Her journals tell an interesting tale, told to her by Moh-tau-hai'-to-ni-o of the silver and obsidian he brought to them, being gifted to him, every year, from the time of his twentieth through his twenty-third year by the Hare God, Ta-Wats, and, it should be noted, she built a small outdoor shrine to Ta-Wats for Moh-tau-hai'-to-ni-o's use.
Hares have long been spoken of and depicted in the ancestral mythologies of the world. They are seen in mythologies of fertility, bravery, cunning, stealth, the celestial skies, sun and moon. Their depiction is seen in ancient coinage, hieroglyph's, seals, pottery and many oral histories,
The mythology of hares is similar to the fact that most ancient cultures have a flood and creation myths, and while we will probably never know what led to this mythology, the fact that wild hares lived in proximity to people, perform unique and uninhibited courtship dances, are extremely sexually active in the spring and are active at night, might all be factors.
Of his obsidians, it is alleged that they will, "fulfill your hunger and provide an abundance of what is necessary," according to one journal entry. In another she writes of the ceremonies used to, "invoke Ta-wats to guide my smoke."
By far the most interesting entries describe the use of arrowheads, made with the same sourced obsidian, having, "smoke shaft and feather," claiming that she and her associates were able to invoke these Ute deities into the smoke (incense, sage smudge, pipe, or cigar) to form a shaft that would cause the arrow or lance to take flight and always hit it's intended target. The arrowhead materializing back on the altar, sans shaft when the spell was completed.
There are no entries that indicate that these were used against a human target, but a number of them do name the targets as known race horses that our research has shown came down with a malady during a race, losing, and allowing her favored horse to win. It should also be noted that much of their income was derived from high stakes gambling.
She also notes of using these obsidian pieces as, "gaze and séance tools" noting, "proper frame of mind is required in addition to being well grounded and fasted (we believe this to mean 24 hours without food or drink). Holding it in the palm and massaging the stone then exhaling on it before using the reflective surface to view touched mirror or waters sidelong."
This above mentioned, "mirror or water" quote is referring to touching the obsidian to the reflective surface of a mirror or liquid reflective surface.
Later entries urge caution in making eye contact with unknown apparitions and caution the use of this obsidian by, "the feint of heart and inexperienced."
She also writes of apparitions appearing and taking up residence in and around these artifacts but claims, "they are passing."
The bead chips are of good tumble polish, displaying natural black and gray color. Obsidian is formed when lava from a volcanic explosion solidifies so quickly that there is no time for mineral crystals to grow within it. It is sometimes referred as “volcanic glass” due to its glass-like texture. Obsidian is typically jet black, however the inclusion of various minerals can sometimes create colored varieties. In the case of Snowflake Obsidian, the black parts are Obsidian, while the white pattern is Cristobalite, a silica mineral.
Some of her journal entries concerning obsidian read; “this is a very protective stone that forms an auric shield against negative energies from the environment and acts as a ward against psychic attack.”
“All of his obsidian is useful for scrying, and peering into the future.”
“use to clear the third eye and solar plexus chakra.”