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Bali Sterling Silver and Namche Bazaar Lhasa Agate Mala Bracelet with Golden Sapphire Dressed Buddha Guru - A Master Suite Find - The Voodoo Estate

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~ Voodoo Priestess Estate ~ ©


Bali Sterling Silver and Namche Bazaar Lhasa Agate Mala Bracelet
Golden Sapphire Dressed Buddha Guru


A Master Suite Find




It has now been twenty-two and a half years ago since we were called to do the estate that had been closed up for seventeen years! 


The Voodoo Estate!
This type of call usually gets us excited as they are a treasure trove.  Located here in Florida, there was no electricity or running water so we rigged our own lighting and in we went.  If you have ever seen the Adams Family you will have some idea as to what we were greeted with!  Then the attorney handling the liquidation gave us some background.  The estate had belonged to an alleged powerful Voodoo Priestess/JooJoo Exorcist, grand daughter of a Marie Laveau, and favored daughter of a Marie Glapion.
These names meant nothing to us, but the late night talk of Voodoo and exorcism in the old mansion was enough for us to spend the night in a hotel and return in the morning to assess the estate.  The rest is history.
Our research has shown that this woman was what she claimed and was indeed descended from a long line of well known Vodoun family originating in New Orleans in the early 1800's.
We were pretty unnerved by this until we discovered they were also devout Catholics!  Although I have to admit this was unlike any Catholic home we have ever been in and some of the items found inside were a little more than disturbing.  There was no feeling of dread or unwelcome in the mansion, however there was quite a bit of contraband and other items we can or will not sell here.
These are some of a few pieces from this estate we will be listing this week, so check our other listings!
We will, upon the new guardian's request, issue a named Letter of Authenticity with each piece from this estate, complying with the terms set forth to us by the estate's attorney.

Some Back Story

This bracelet is one of the artifacts her journals and inventory attribute as being made for use by a male companion.  It is also one of those recovered from a jewelry armoire in her master suite that contained a well inventoried selection of ritually worn jewelry.


The Bracelet, its Components and Commentary  

The bracelets in this group, are said to have been worn alone, and or in conjunction with others during evocation rituals.  Essentially, it is, as described and referred to as a "Lhasa agate mala bracelet."  The bracelet is a portable means to count repetitive prayer or spell mantra using 'enhanced' silver and this "magic agate." 

The Silver

More often than not, her metal of choice was silver as she notes, "Silver is the mirror of the soul related to the moon energies.  It strengthens connections of the astral and physical bodies.  A metal unmatched in its psychic energies and healing abilities, I have used it as a spell medium, to heal the speech impaired and to help public speakers achieve eloquence.  Induced into the drink, it has expelled the toxins that caused headaches, arthritis, intestinal and blood disorders.  More importantly it attracts, enhances and stores energies of gemstones, driving out negative energies the stone may have absorbed."

Sanur Pandai Sudra Sterling Silver
The LiDiex journals tell of their dealings with a family of, “Sanur Pandai Sudra” over a four year period of 1957 through 1961.  Some of these entries read, “a family of traditional Balinese smiths and sorcerers, descended from a long line of craftsman sorcerers of Sanur.  They are in possession of authentic, ancient Hindu lontars, (Holy inscriptions written on the leaves of the lontar palm) that tell of the mythical history of their arts.”
“They are known locally as pande mas, trained by the Gods."
“Although they are low caste sudra, they are sought out for their work in silver, gold and sorcery.  They claim to be direct descendants of Brahma.”
The word 'pandai' means both 'smith' and 'clever'.
Their journal and inventory entries attribute the nine applied ball spacers they chose for this bracelet as being obtained from these, "Sanur Pandai Sudra”.
Unmarked, all test as .925 Sterling Silver Standard.

Los Angeles Indonesian Sterling Silver
The seated Buddha Guru charm, straight bar toggle clasp and 4 mm round crimp bead they chose for this bracelet were part of a large quantity of silver attributed as being purchased from an unnamed, Indonesian/American, practitioner, follower, of Los Angeles during a period from 1970 to 1977.
A Los Angeles Indonesian, craftswoman with four silversmiths in her employ, she also had family connections in Indonesia who acted as her buyers.
The Buddha measures approximately 7/8" x 3/8" x 1/4" and is marked 925 with no maker's or assay marks.n  All test as .925 Sterling Silver Standard.
The base of this charm has been dressed with a 4.7625 x 6.35 mm faceted pear golden sapphire gem which is further described below.


Gautama Buddha in Dhyana Mudra
Their journals have numerous entries describing the Buddha depictions as being, "living images of the Buddha used in devotional and revered worship."

"a supernatural living Buddha that offers protection and good luck to those who will offer reverence, incense, gold and food offerings."
 “Here are representations of the ideal reality of the Buddha through a succession of images reaching back to the Buddha himself.”
“The Buddha is always represented with specific attributes, pose and dress.  Each pose, position, and gesture has defined meaning.”
“These are correct depictions and properly rendered in their imagery.  They are actual spiritual emanations of the Buddha, and they possess supernatural qualities.  Through them, we are able to communicate with the supernatural world by making offerings and praying before them.”

Siddhartha Gautama, known as the Buddha, was born in the sixth century B.C., in what is now modern Nepal.  His father, Suddhodana, was the ruler of the Sakya people and Siddhartha grew up living the extravagant life of a young prince.  According to custom, he married at the age of sixteen.

His father had ordered that he live a life of total seclusion, but one day Siddhartha ventured out into the world and was confronted with the reality of the inevitable suffering of life.  The next day, at the age of twenty-nine, he left his kingdom and newborn son to lead an ascetic life and determine a way to relieve universal suffering.

For six years, he submitted himself to rigorous ascetic practices, studying and following different methods of meditation with various religious teachers.  But he was never fully satisfied.  One day, however, he was offered a bowl of rice from a young girl and he accepted it.  In that moment, he realized that physical austerities were not the means to achieve liberation.  From then on, he encouraged people to follow a path of balance rather than extremism.  He called this The Middle Way.

That night Siddhartha sat under the Bodhi tree, and meditated until dawn.  He purified his mind of all defilements and attained enlightenment at the age of thirty-five, thus earning the title Buddha, or "Enlightened One".  For the remainder of his eighty years, the Buddha preached the Dharma in an effort to help other sentient beings reach enlightenment.

Depicted here with simple robes in Dhyana mudra on a two tier throne he reflects both Indian and Sukhothai influence of executed design.  These Buddha images typically feature the flame shaped head finial, hair curls and thin head band displayed here.  The torso is also thinner, and the oval face is serene.
No one really know what the historical Buddha looked like.  The first Buddha statues were created approximately 200 years after his Mahaparinirvana.
The flame finial replaces the Ushnisha, or crown of hair at the top of the head of the Buddha.  Ushnisha is a unique feature of Buddhist art and iconography.  This protuberance is not to be mistaken for the topknot Prince Siddhartha cut off upon leaving the city of Lumbini and crossing the river.  The topknot is usually only worn by the royal family of the Hindu kingdoms.  Once the prince cut it off, it is believed that he renounced his royal heritage.
The original function of the ushnisha was probably intended to symbolize a crown on the top of the head of the Buddha.  The ushnisha is an important feature of many depictions of the Buddha, it is not clear whether He actually had an ushnisha however.  There is much textual evidence which clearly states the Buddha had a completely shaved head.

In one textual account, a hunter stumbled upon the Buddha in the forest.  When he saw the former prince sitting in the middle of the forest, he noticed the bald head of the Buddha and took this as a bad omen and ended his hunt for the day because of it.  Convinced this was a brahmana until he approached and noticed the ascetic was missing the usual shikha, or a tuft of hair on the back of the head, that brahmanas usually wore.  This evidences leads one to question whether the Buddha had an ushnisha or not.
The earliest depictions of the ushnisha in the iconography of the Gandhara period were as a crown.  The ushnisha on the top of the Buddha's head is the gathering of his hair into a chignon.  Later, the style and meaning of the ushnisha has undergone various changes.  The South Asian depictions have the ushnisha depicted as a complex combination of small curls, while some have the ushnisha resembling more of a protuberance coming directly from the skull rather than a gathering of hair, the evolution of the ushnisha in South East Asian depictions have the chignon replaced completely by either a flame, as in this case.  The ushnisha can also be found decorated with various metal ornaments in regional depictions.  While one of the main reasons for this change may be the symbolizing of the crown of the royal family, the ushnisha is better interpreted as a symbol of the spiritual power of enlightenment.
His face is quiet and serene with eyelids lowered as in meditation.  The ears are large and the earlobes elongated, extended by the large and heavy earrings the Buddha once wore when he was a prince.
The gestures performed by the hands of a Buddha image (mudras) have specific meanings that refer to some event in the life of the Buddha or denote a special characteristic.
This Buddha depiction is in Dhyana Mudra, which is the gesture of absolute balance.  The hands are relaxed in the lap, and the tips of the thumbs touch one another.  When depicted with a begging bowl this is a sign of the head of an order.
The hollow base of the throne had been partially filled with a glue like substance to set the sapphire gem. 


The decision to add these lengthy articles to the write ups was inspired by one of her journal entries concerning these;  "Visualization Guru's which appear on many of our mala and elsewhere.  To optimize performance one must know all that they can concerning the guru.  Glean from this what is particular to you and visualize these things to manifest as your choosing or unexpected boon to yourself and others." 


The Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi's Golden Sapphire Gem
Her journals and inventory tell us this is one of many that were given her by the Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi'.
Her journals and inventory go on to tell us "these are part of the hoard of Bhai Singh Sahib."  The first journal entry concerning this Yogi she names as, "Bhai Singh Sahib" is dated July 13th., 1929 and tells a fascinating story of a young Sikh forced to flee his homeland for religious persecution.  He was a Hindu, who was thought to have killed a Nawab.
It is not clear where their introduction was made.  Perhaps in her travels or through an associate, but we can not find any previous mention of, "The Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi," as he is named in later entries.
The journal entries concerning Sahib span the four decade period he essentially spent in exile with those associated with this estate until the time of his death.  "Drawn to our ways he has added his Sikh blood to our line," according to one entry, which indicates to us that he took a mistress or wife that bore children during this time, but this section of journal is badly water damaged and illegible.
Little detail was found concerning his life prior to shutting himself in this estate for forty years for the most part.  There are numerous reference to his having been taught by Sant Hazara Singh of fame, but we have not been able to corroborate this.  In a detailed journal entry that pertains to his exile she relates his story she claims had been told to her directly from Sahib.  It began in December of 1928 and ended in the Himalayas of Northern India in January, of 1929.
"The eldest son of the Nawab had kidnapped, raped and murdered my sister, but vengeance was not to be mine.  He fled into the mountains with a small retainer that I managed to kill in three ambushes, yet in each instance the young Nawab escaped.  This vendetta fueled chase took us deep into the mountains and sixteen days had now elapsed when I spotted his campfire in the valley below.  Taking refuge in a cave I prepared myself for the final pre-dawn assault in which I meant to take his life.  I would estimate no more than three hours had elapsed when I heard his screams in the night which I assumed to be his night terrors caused by his insidious deeds.  As it played out I was not far from wrong.  A Red Bear bore on his camp and dragged him away screaming which was the commotion I heard.  It took three days to find where the bear had cached his remains in the snow having first eaten nearly the entire trunk and the face of the Nawab.  I scavenged the sight taking his flesh meat, bone, his misbaha, rings and his knife.  I am of course now hunted in exile for the bear's work."
She goes on to note that he claims to have eaten the flesh and fashioned the bone of the young Nawab into talisman, and that the lapis lazuli beads taken from the three misbaha recovered from the scene by Sahib were later used in many of their prayer bead bracelets. The bone pieces were fashioned into unusual skull beads made from the knuckles, elbows and femurs of the Nawab.
We're sure he fit right in!
There is also strong indication that this Yogi was a member of her "Zuvembie," a secret, in house sect of what were essentially thugs or assassins she gathered to do her will.
They obviously thought highly of him as his funeral ceremony is detailed from the bathing and clothing of his body to the cremation ceremony where, "Kirtan Sohila, the nighttime prayer was recited and Ardas offered which induced a feeling of detachment as the flames took his body," to the ashes being disposed of by immersing them in the Miami River and the non continuous reading of the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib that was timed to conclude on the tenth day marking the end of the mourning period.
Another entry reads, "he was a passionate healer whose works stimulate the Kundalini through the activation of the Coccygeal Chakra."


This Gem
Although there is no history of these stones prior to their coming to this estate, her journals tell us Bhai Singh Sahib had brought a fortune in gems with him, and that he was very generous with them, especially with the women associated with this estate.  She also tells us he received parcels from India on a regular basis which we believe contained gems.
This golden sapphire gem is unheated and untreated, and it was very well cut but nearly impossible to grade with the dark background of the base of the throne.  Our experience is these stones are eye clean with feint rutile inclusions.
She makes numerous reference to these stones with journal entries that read; "an intuit stone attuned to the flow of life.  It is a calming and centering stone that is full of happiness.  Their energies bring contentment while attracting prosperity and the fulfillment of one's dreams.  They have been successfully used to scry for and enhance psychic ability with all feminine energies."

"This gem aligns one’s personal will with Divine Will, expanding your consciousness to accept a broader view to overcome the obstacles set before us.  One must understanding that not all blocks to success are counter to Divine Will.  One needs the lessons learned in overcoming obstacles and these yellow sapphire gems have been instrumental in discerning this."

"I have prescribed these gems to merchants to place in their cash box to attract wealth and increase earnings.  When worn or carried, the stone should contact flesh.  It attracts abundance and manifests any visions to realizations."

"Here is a stone of wisdom and prosperity. It attracts wealth and abundance while manifesting creative energy into being."


Namche Bazaar Lhasa Agate Beads
Thousands of regional beads were recovered from this estate, which her journals and inventory attribute as being procured at the Namche Bazaar of Nepal in 1928.  She notes of them in her journals, "locally made in quantity by a Bonpo wizard who had gone quite mad."  Unfortunately, that is all that is written of this trade or of the trader and she gives no indication as to what she traded.
Some of their journal entries that pertain to these beads tell us, "this is the magicians' preferred material for making dzi beads."

"This is energetic material that finds its way to the Northern banks of the Lhasa River where it is collected by the monks and secreted away in the temples.  I have found it manifests as harmony, serenity, sincerity, calm, purification of the body and psyche.  This facilitates love and compassion toward mankind, joy, spiritual purification, good fortune, physical and spiritual energy."
"handling the agate escalates one's charisma, purity and overall calm.  This bonds us as family and elevates one's own standing among them.  Cleansing with them enhances our bonds."   
"As such, beauty is to be found even here in our hearts and these beads generate a peaceful, pure mood and demeanor.  They protect us from all of the filth, negative energy and evils that deny those such as us, peace.  Allow this enlightenment as an understanding of Buddhism, while ensuring the strength, safety and health of this body."
"They are wards of fortunes, which is not to be confused with wealth.  This will aid in the understanding the difference between the two.  Their power is derived by self and karma and is dependent upon this.  If powered by the ego one will find themselves at the mercy of karma.  If used with love of ones self, sans ego and defensiveness, this will be the stone that offers you your great journey.”
It is apparent she and her associates revered these beads as supernatural gemstones with magical powers.
The nine 17.4625 x 12.7 mm drum beads used in this bracelet are of fine grind and polish.
Lhasa is the capital of the Tibet Autonomous Region which lies on the Lhasa River's north bank in a valley of the Himalayas.  Rising atop Red Mountain at an altitude of 3,700m, the red-and-white Potala Palace once served as the winter home of the Dalai Lama.  The palace’s rooms, numbering around 1,000, include the Dalai Lama’s living quarters, as well as murals, chapels and tombs.

All of these have been hand knotted and strung with black yak sinew to form this men's mala bracelet" measuring approximately 9 1/2" in overall length.
The bracelet weighs 58.1 grams.
She writes of the acquisition of a large quantity of this sinew from a "Chinese healer and talisman maker known for and sought for his works," purchased at the Namche Bazaar of Nepal in 1928.

It is certainly an unusual vintage bracelet with an extraordinary provenance, that is much nicer then the photographs have been able to depict.


We have been contacted and visited by a number of people who were interested in the items from this estate since our first batch was listed.  Among the buyers have been known psychics and practitioners.  More than one, after adorning themselves or handling their purchase, stated "this is a woman of power!"  Many of our customers, after receiving items from this estate have reported dream contacts and other unexplained phenomenon.
Unusual, authentic Voodoo Priestess Estate piece and at a bargain price!
This is truly a rare opportunity to own anything with attributes to this estate.  The majority of this estate is now gone.  Most of what we had left, and it was considerable, has been split up and sold to a couple of private, foreign collector practitioners and will never be available to the public again.  We made the decision to do this as we have had some pretty strange visits from even stranger individuals and there have been enough unexplained phenomenon going on in the warehouse where her things were kept that many of our employees refused to go in there.  The pieces offered and sold here are some of the few remaining pieces that will ever be offered to the public.
Nice addition to any collection, wardrobe or decor, displays really well.
Really doesn't get any better than this.
There are 10 photographs, so please give them time to load and enjoy the listing.
Buyer to pay $0.00 for Insured USPS Ground Advantage Mail with Tracking, handling and lagniappe.

Rest assured your order will be carefully packed to withstand the onslaught of the most deranged of Postal Workers.
International Buyer's, Please email us for a Shipping Quote.
Payment is due at listing end.
 ©Text and Photos Copyright 2001-2024 bushidobuce, all rights reserved.

Props are not part of the deal.  Bracelet Only, but you knew that already. 




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