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Pink Lotus Chokin on Black Lacquer Jewelry Music Box and Moon Charged Contents - A Master Suite Find - The Voodoo Estate

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1,344.00 Grams
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Product Description


~ Voodoo Priestess Estate ~ ©

Pink Lotus Chokin on Black Lacquer Jewelry Music Box
(plays Love Story)
Moon Charged Contents

A Master Suite Find


Twenty-three years have now passed since we were called to do an estate that had been closed up for seventeen years!

The Voodoo Estate! 

This type of call usually gets us excited as they are a treasure trove.  Located here in Florida, there was no electricity or running water so we rigged our own lighting and in we went.  If you have ever seen the Adams Family you will have some idea as to what we were greeted with.

Then the attorney handling the liquidation gave us some background.  The estate had belonged to an alleged powerful Voodoo Priestess/JooJoo Exorcist, grand daughter of a Marie Laveau, and favored daughter of a Marie Glapion.  These names meant nothing to us, but the late night talk of Voodoo and exorcism in the old mansion was enough for us to spend the night in a hotel and return in the morning to assess the estate.  The rest is history.

 Our research has shown that this woman was what she claimed and was indeed descended from a long line of well known Vodoun family originating in New Orleans in the early 1800's.  We were pretty unnerved by this until  we discovered they were also devout Catholics.  Although I have to admit this was unlike any Catholic home we have ever been in and some of the items found were a little more than unnerving.  There was no feeling of dread or unwelcome in the mansion, however there was quite a bit of contraband and other items we can or will not sell here.

 This is one of a few lots from this estate we hope to be posting this week, so check our other listings.

We will, upon the new guardian's request, issue a named letter of authenticity with each lot from this estate, complying with the terms set forth to us by the estate's attorney.


Some Back Story 

This is one of nineteen, named "window charging boxes" recovered from a bureau in her master suite.  Through her journals and inventory, we have been able to piece together that this box and its companions, would periodically be placed in hidden window boxes that allowed her to control their exposure to the sun and or moon.  She claimed that bathing them, or rather the boxed contents, in the rays of the sun, moon, and/or stars at certain specified times would have a cleansing and or 'charging' affect on them.

 The Box

Her journals and inventory tell us this box is one of the many items that were purchased, and/or stolen from three unnamed local gift shops that traded in Japanese imports.  Although those associated with this estate were mostly generous, they would often steal things which they not only found to be amusing, they believed it imbued the stolen item with magical properties they were able to manipulate.

Examination reveals a well made Japanese black lacquer music box with an enamel and Chokin depiction of a pink lotus and golden butterfly.  It plays Where Do I begin - Love Story 1971 and has it's original Japan foiled tag on the bottom.

The box measures approximately 7.5" x 5" x 2.75" and weighs 1 lb., 6 oz.

It has a mirror lined lid and two red felt lined compartments, one being channeled for rings.

Other than rubbing some exterior areas with a dry cotton cloth we made no attempt at cleaning this box.  The exterior shows signs of handling which our cloth rub easily removed from those areas.  The interior red felt has light staining which we feel can be removed using some packing tape to lift it.

 There are no other signs of damage or repair.

She goes on to tell us, "these boxes have been known to attract spirits that will set up residence in them, but they are rarely permanent.  Having them about or while traveling has them proven as spirit houses."


The Contents
and minor commentary


The Crystal Quartz Clusters


Here are two natural quartz crystal formations she has inventoried as "Lemurian Quartz Dream Crystal Point Clusters with Babies."  Her journals and inventory tell us they were intentionally pruned from a larger 'teaching crystal' she had brought back from Brazil in 1949.  We know very little of this trip due to two missing ledgers.  She does tell us her guide had taken her party to a group of crystal caves in southern Brazil where these formations were recovered. 

What we have been able to piece together from the surviving journals is the estate once had a rooftop observatory that was a Crystallography teaching classroom for the personal use of the residents.  It was where the teaching of crystals or Crystallography as they saw it, was taught.  These teachings involved Hermes Trismegistus early interactions with their, and if one can believe her notes, if you are reading this, "your ancestor's!"

 It is also apparent their studies included the geometry of crystals that measured the angles of crystal faces relative to theoretical reference axes and establishing the symmetry of the crystal.  Some of the teaching relics found were optical goniometer's.  We had no idea as to what they were at the time, but have since determined those that taught and learned here conducted scientific occult studies of crystal formations.
It is really unfortunate that what amounted to what we feel may have been the most comprehensive occult and alchemic libraries ever compiled was destroyed by water, heat, light, humidity, dust, dirt, rodents, insects and microorganisms.
The observatory itself was torn from the roof by Hurricane Andrew and these were broken off of the parent formation by the storm.  The largest surviving piece was relegated to a Dream Shrine.
The remaining pieces found their way into spell boxes used in their Dream Works such as this pair.

Their journals indicate she used these clusters to assist her in past life dream recall divinations and spell invocations.  They describe their being, "held aloft in both hands before being drawn into the chakra in descending order as a prelude to entering the meditative state."

 They describe a lengthy, silent use of intense physical and mental concentration as this would take upwards of three hours to perform. "Holding it aloft, in the lap or caressed upon a stand or pillow throne while unconsciously caressing it to the point where the crystal cuts flesh, this blood being left on the body and the stone to activate and feed it."
She also notes, "these stones have side affects, usually on those not indoctrinated to our ways," as she puts it in one entry.  These side affects include disorientation, nervousness, excessive sweating and nausea.  Another entry reads, "If these discomforts arise, discontinue your use, bathe and cleanse yourself.  After a brief rest you may continue, noticing longer periods of use without discomfort with each successive session."
Another entry reads, "Ones chakra must be cleansed once the stone has let blood.  Once considered, it is a stone of clear communication, allowing access to information along the timeline of our adult and childhood spirit memories often invoking laughter.  This is a beneficial, healing crystal we have utilized in stimulating intuit ability blocked with childhood memories.  These are advanced practitioner stones that communicate this knowledge to those that walk our paths.  They are not lone use stones, as they feeds on and generates energy among groups fostering the group energy into a single, focused force that can be controlled as it is quite cooperative."
  There are numerous formations on the body and faces of the crystals in these small garden clusters, with numerous pyramid faces she mentions as, "being windows" being obvious.
Real or imagined, we do understand why these people were as feared respected as they were.

It should also be noted that their crystals found their way to many areas of practice conducted throughout the estate being used in "divination, spell and individual practical magic work as well as healing."
Our examination of these clusters concludes with their measurements and weight of approximately 1 7/16" x 1 1/8" x 1 1/4", 26 grams and 15/16" x 13/16" x 1 1/4" weighing 8.1 grams.


The Rhodochrosite Chip Strand

Strands of chips were generally found lining the bottom of her spell boxes and this box is no exception.  Her journals tell us "nothing is to waste at the cuttings" and chips of stone and glass were collected, polished, drilled and strung for their own use.

Here we have a 31.5" continuous strand of rhodochrosite chips strung on filament.
  Her inventory tells us
these are the chip remnants of stone she brought back from her 1962 Brazilian Shaman artifact hunt.
Although she does not name them in her notes, she does tell of the solicitation of a handful of Brazilian holy men, healers, sorcerers and seers to relinquish some of their precious finds usually in trade for guns. Prior to returning home, she flew to Argentina to visit the site which she describes as "a secret source of these coveted stones."

She also notes of using these strands as hand and wrist wraps while holding and wearing other pieces found in this box.

 She does write of this particular source and batch of "Inca Rose" as having a wide range of healing properties for "women's distress" and that it was highly valued by her guides.

She also writes, "the high energies from this Inca Rose unites and balances male and female energy.  They attract and inspire love to the user.  These are especially beneficial in bringing balance and purity as they are a wonderful source of energies for aura cleansing.  They have proven quite useful in female healing, aligning and balancing our energies.  I have used them in healing clients suffering hormonal disorders, but they have been my best love attraction mineral, drawing true love as it attracts new love."


LiDiex Glass Works Alchemic Goldstone
The research involved in this estate provides continuous fascination.  The founder of the LiDiex Glass Works, is known to us as the 1898 LiDiex, but to most, he was known only as "LiDiex."  A 5th. generation descendant of the original Man Known Only as "LiDiex" who came to these shores as a survivor and saboteur of the slave Ship Henrietta Marie in 1701.  He then found his way to New Orleans to meet with the parents of the then infant grandmother of our priestess, Marie Laveau.
This sabotage, is said to have been accomplished by spell casting using egg shells, and certain folklore concerning eggs lend credence to this.  The original LiDiex was a wood carver as were many of his descendants.  This is another case of the multi-generational relationships we have encountered with this family as the LiDiex all had a strong association with these women.
Although a close practitioner and believed to be father to one of her children, he was most noted for his glassmaking after his return to New Orleans from an extended stay in Europe where he studied the techniques of Bohemia and Murano.  He continued making glass for her and her associate followers up until the time of his demise in 1968.
Late journal entries reveal him to be one of her chief enforcers, a "Zuvembie" leader, and refer to him as, “a skilled sorcerer, tactician, warrior and artist", who was deeply involved in her works.
Their glass works provided a source of income to numerous staff members and is attributed with their “alchemic glass” which we have noted as being a consistent source of unexplained paranormal activity as those of you who follow the listings from this estate already know.
The  15/16" x 13/16" x 1/2", 8.2 gram polished "Right of Passage" goldstone is attributed to the LiDiex Glass Works.  Their journal tell us this is, "his own alchemic recipe of our own native Float Copper and silicate glass.  This has produced a stone-like glass with a unique, ambitious energy vibration that is grounding, uplifting, and pleasing to the eye.”

These named "right of passage" stones, so described in her journals and inventories, in entries concerning the ceremonies surrounding their use.  Many would be potion soaked or sautéed, then held in the mouth before being swallowed and we quote "insight is gained from their passage."  We imagine it was, especially with some of the larger ones!
Please note that we do not recommend or endorse doing this and mention it for historical information only.  You use this in this fashion at your own risk.


Aunt Nadiene's Mid Century Thai Jewelry 

This rutilated quartz ring, the teal fluorite studs and the emerald jewelry ensemble are some of the many Thai gemstone jewelry lots that were recovered from this estate with the vast majority being found in and around her main séance and reading rooms.  These however she chose for her own use in this box.

 Her journaled inventory tells us her Aunt Nadiene had them made for her by a Thai jeweler of Chanthaburi in 1956/57.  This jeweler had copied a handful of gold and gemstone rings in vermeil, many of which were gifted and inherited by her niece.

While there, she purchased a sizable quantity of jewelry to be sent home for resale to their clients.  Often times claiming to cast spells or attach spirits to a piece of jewelry at a client's request.
Aunt Nadiene   

Although not a blood Aunt, she had been "taken into the fold as a child found" by her "mother" as she was said to refer to Marie Glapion.  Further chronological investigation revealed her to be the daughter of a prostitute that was in her mother's (Marie Glapion) employ.  Other notes found might lead one to believe her mother was an Algul. Described as a vampiric jinn like creature they claimed to have encountered in remote desert regions. 

Our own research has not revealed very much other than Algul literally translates to "horse-leech," or "blood-sucking Jinn."  An example was found in the 'Thousand and One Nights' as Amine.  Although a drinker of blood, it is a Jinn, or demon that was never human.  Unkillable by most means, it can be destroyed by fire and sometimes magic.  Most inhabited unchartable regions of desert, but oil production has driven them from their homes and she claims "they live among us, posing no threat to adults save sexual fulfillment, but they must be watched around children and livestock."


It is not clear if Aunt Nadiene was abandoned by her mother or if the mother died, orphaning the girl, but she was apparently treated and referred to as a family member, indoctrinated along with her "niece," and for many years she was her traveling companion and guardian.  Her journals note of Aunt Nadiene's passing in 1966.  She also notes of wearing Aunt Nadiene's jewelry, "Connected to her so closely in life, it awakens psychic qualities with a feeling of devotional joy to wear them."

Other journal entries allege incidents of Aunt Nadiene, "owl shape shifting," claiming the Great Horned Owl as being her spirit guide or token spirit animal, and because of this, her taking due care in the handling of owls in her bird and reptile ceremonies, not submitting them to the torturous ceremonial deaths many other species endured during these ceremonies.

 She goes on to note of a number of dreams in which a Great Horned Owl wearing her aunt's jewelry would appear to her.  They also go into detail of her gazing into her stones (sphere's), to draw upon Aunt Nadiene's power to help her in this life.


The Jewelry, Its Components and Commentary 
Examination reveals a nicely made 22k white gold vermeil, rutilated quartz, aquamarine and white sapphire ring, a pair of 22k white gold vermeil and teal fluorite studs along with a 22k white gold vermeil, Emerald and black spinel, pendant, chain, ring and earrings ensemble, described in further detail below.
Gold Vermeil
Gold Vermeil refers to electroplated silver (described below), using gold of different fineness.  The US. minimum required karatage is 10K (42% of pure gold) and with a thickness of at least 2.5 microns (0.0025 millimeters) and being made up entirely of two precious metals (silver and gold).  Vermeil jewelry therefore has a greater intrinsic value than gold plated jewelry with a thicker plating of the gold over sterling silver.
Gold plating is a method of depositing a layer of gold onto a conductive surface.  The piece in base metal to be gold plated is immerged in an electrolyte solution with particles of gold which are deposited onto the surface of the base metal thanks to a current.  This is the same technique used to form gold vermeil; in vermeil a layer of at least 2.5 microns of gold (also referred to as “heavy gold plating”) is deposited onto silver.
Sterling Silver and Gold

More often than not, their metal of choice was silver as she notes, "Silver is the mirror of the soul related to the moon energies.  It strengthens connections of the astral and physical bodies.  A metal unmatched in its psychic energies and healing abilities, I have used it as a spell medium, to heal the speech impaired and to help public speakers achieve eloquence.  Induced into the drink, it has expelled the toxins that caused headaches, arthritis, intestinal and blood disorders.  More importantly it attracts, enhances and stores energies of gemstones, driving out negative energies the stone may have absorbed."
Although silver was her usual metal of choice, sometimes, as in this case, gold was used and she notes, "Gold transmits and conducts energies extremely well.  It balances these energy fields and is beneficial in the third eye and crown meditations.  It removes negative energies and brings in the positive from the stones it is with.  It is a mineral of spirituality, understanding and attunement."
We believe these are examples of catalog items among the jewelers of Chanthaburi with the options being choice of metals and gemstones.  They are popular regional designs that we have encountered many times pre and post dating our acquisition of this estate by many years.  Similar jewelry is still being produced by the jewelers of Chanthaburi today.
Chanthaburi is a well known center of semi-precious stones and jewelry.  It was once famous for its ruby and sapphire mines, but most of Chanthaburi's mines have been mined out since the 1980s.  Today it is an industry leader in colored stone processing, including gemstone treatments, enhancements, cutting and polishing.  Nearly 70% of the world's entire supply of rubies and sapphires pass through Chanthaburi.
Their journals tell us these pieces of jewelry were chosen for their design and combinations of metal and gemstones.

The Ring

Examination reveals a 22k white gold vermeil, thin shank ring with a bezel set 11.1125 x 7.9375 mm high oval rutilated quartz cabochon of fine grind and polish.  There are four prong set 1.75 mm faceted round aquamarine gems of very good to fine cut and pale color that view eye clean with loupe visible inclusions.  Twenty 1 mm prong set faceted round white topaz gems complete the border.

The ring is marked "S925" with no maker's or assay marks, and tests as .925 Sterling Silver Standard.  There is some confusion concerning this hallmark.  This is due to our friends, the Chinese.  This mark has been used by the jewelers of Thailand for over sixty years.  Technically, it is short-hand for ‘Sterling 925', but the past-masters of producing low quality knock offs of absolutely everything have caused this confusion to this day.

It is a ring size 8 1/4 and the ring face measures approximately 11/16" x 5/8" x 5/16" and weighs 3.3 grams.

In her notes she writes of golden rutile quartz; "contained in this stone is an ancient energy that facilitates the complete cleansing and rejuvenation of the emotional body aura.  This is a wonderful combination of energies which has allowed me patience in difficult situations, the lack of which has been a shortcoming.  When held or worn I find personal powers are enhanced, and attunement to heightened awareness during out of body and dream journeys.  Its protective properties, especially during the lucid dream state is physically manifested and readily available."

   "Use during any meditative dream state prompts glorious dreams from which awakened reveals a reversal of the aging process.  Repeated use slows this process markedly."

"It has proven a useful healer to those afflicted with digestive disorders and has promoted rapid healing of injuries, wounds and childbirth."


Some of her notes concerning aquamarine read; "these stones were woven of ancient spells."

"Enhancers of psychic power that have proven to be excellent cleansers and purifiers.  I have successfully used them in rituals to promote health and in calming those that were emotionally distraught as it promotes peace, happiness and joy."

"Ancient spell work, granting foresight and soothing psychic dreams have been woven into their energies.  When worn for long periods they regenerate my youth and balance my physical and non-physical self while enhancing my psychic powers."


Her journals tells us, "white topaz is an empathetic stone, with warming, soothing energies of life and healing.   These energies cleanse and shield the aura of negative influence, allowing clear auric sight to determine safe passage through non-physical realms.  It has proven itself a healer of nervous disorders and eases the stress other malady's feed upon."


The Fluorite Studs

Here we have a pair of 3.18 x 4.78 mm, faceted emerald cut, teal fluorite gems in 22k white gold vermeil pierced stud earring settings.

They are marked 925 with no maker's or assay marks with a combined weight of 1.5 grams.


She writes of fluorite, "their energy lends well to Ouija and séance being quite beneficial to spiritual awareness.  This energy connects to and focuses on the non-physical forces of the spiritual realms, freeing me from the bonds of their realities."
"intuit crystals that improve on one's mind and order, allowing the release of negative thought on all planes.  Once released, it does not allow the negative thought energy to enter into one's realm of influence.  A healing crystal in all of it's colors that will aid and promote the healing work of other stones.  A protector of one's health, it has been successful in preventing diseases and possession.”

The Ensemble

Examination reveals a 22k white gold vermeil, emerald and black spinel gem pendant with chain, earrings and ring ensemble.

There are eighteen 3.2 x 4 mm prong set faceted oval, highly included emerald gems of very good cut and color and one hundred and thirty-two 1.5 mm prong set faceted round black spinel gems on the borders of each piece of this ensemble 

The pendant measures approximately 1 1/8" (with bale) x 5/16" x 3/16" it has been mated to a 1.4 mm x 17 7/8" sterling silver box chain.

The slightly tapered thin shank ring is a size 7.5 and the ring face measures approximately 15/16" x 5/16" x 3/16" weighing 2.6 grams.

Each 22k white gold vermeil lever back pierced earring measures approximately 13/16" x 3/16" x 3/16" and weighs 2 grams.

The chain is marked 925 while the other pieces are marked "S925" with no maker's or assay marks, and all test as .925 Sterling Silver Standard. 


Some of her journal entries concerning emeralds read; "Naga stone of meditation with calming, protective energies that enhance all psychic abilities, quite useful in dream enhancement and manipulation.  Well grounded in Femini (her spelling) Earth energies that have no ill and shield against external attacks.  These stones have proven themselves as healers of the love-lorn heart, often leading to life-long relations being saved, with those expressing the deepest of emotions for their partners."
 "here is an energy beyond the laws of nature inherent in the stone.  It is a true prophet stone, so pay heed to the dreams it brings to you."
"As a healer, it is a stone of Mercury that effects a cure for epilepsy and other neuro disorders, even tipping the balance against madness."

"There are many divine qualities given with this stone, which accounts for its mention in many of the mythologies.  In the Christian myths, the emerald which Satan carried in his forehead fell to the ground and created the Holy Grail when he was cast out of Paradise.  Hermes recorded the laws of magic upon an emerald tablet.  It is the legendary Markat Mani of Rabbinical legend being one of four precious stones given to King Solomon by God."
"It is an aid in meditation and memory loss.  A cure for the lovelorn that reveals truth or falsity of in a lover's oaths."
"This is a powerful money draw, especially for commerce.  When buried beneath the building or as an embed about the entrance, it shows a dramatic results in such a house."


They refer to black spinel as "Nin" in their journals and write of "weaving a spell of reflection upon them in prayer."

Some other entries read; "one should not view themselves in their reflection as it is a powerful, psychic tool to open the doorways to other realms.  Care must be taken not to scry while sitting in it's direct view as these are playful spirits taking great pleasure in interrupting the spell.  If taken by surprise they are most cooperative."

 "It is a protective stone well used in mourning as it counsels the grief encountered during this period."


Bell Trading Post, Sterling Silver and Turquoise Pendant with Chain 


Here we have, according to her journal and inventory entries, a 1932 vintage example of a Bell Trading Post, Sterling Silver and turquoise pendant with chain.  One or thirty-two pieces she purchased there that day.

The high grade, albeit small turquoise cabochon has been bezel set into a pendant measuring 3/4" x 7/16" x 3/16".

It is marked with the early BELL STERLING hallmark.

The 18 3/4" x 1.6 mm sterling silver cable chain is original to the pendant and unmarked.  All test as .925 Sterling Silver Standard.

History of Bell Trading
from a 2020 article published by TSkies Jewelry.

The system of trading posts in the arid southwest had an enormous impact on how the area was shaped, both economically and in the minds and imaginations of travelers to the area.  One such post was established by Jack Michelson and his wife, Mildred, in 1932 in the growing city of Albuquerque. 

Mildred’s maiden name was Bell, so the Michelsons chose the name Bell Trading Post for their business.  The post was located along the new highway known as Route 66.  Michelson hoped this spot would be a boon in establishing his business as a place where tourists could find locally made Native American jewelry.  The beginning years were a struggle but the location did help the trading post hold on, particularly when Roosevelt’s New Deal created the CCC and truckers were hitting the roads to transport goods.  Bell Trading Post was in the right location to sell them souvenirs for their family back home. 

Jobs were hard to come by then and many Native artisans were willing to make Jack Michelson’s jewelry.  But money was scarce as well so the Michelsons looked to earlier entrepreneurs like Fred Harvey for how to make their new business a success.  They installed their own machines for making the jewelry and used copper and nickel more than silver and gold to create their pieces.  In the initial years, the post marked its jewelry with the image of a bell.  Over the years there would be other trademarks they used, such as an arrow with a bell sign hanging from it. Most of these trademarks included a bell in some part of the design.  Due to the fact that he had little competition, Jack Michelson decided against paying the cost to file these initial trademarks used during the 1930s. 

The years during WWII saw the business boom.  The southwest was designated as a military training area and there were many soldiers far from home looking for gifts to send back to their families.  Bell Trading Post expanded its business and began to sell their products wholesale to other tourist shops.  

With the death of Jack in 1957, the business of Bell Trading Post passed to his children, Jack, Douglas and Jacquelyn.  The change ushered in a new era for the company.  The siblings opted to file their first trademark, and to expand their product line.  In 1969, they formed Sunbell, a corporation which oversaw their new product lines such as Oglala Lakota moccasins and copperware as well as their jewelry.  Sunbell remained in business until the late 1980s.


Pair of Umbanda Spirit Medium's Faceted Pear Cut Amethyst Gems
Gems were found lying loose, lining the bottom of many her spell boxes and this box was no exception.  She notes of using these, "as sacred center stones" indicating their "placement upon the chakra to induce a specific response or action.  Although usually set in jewelry, examination of the contents of many of her boxes, potions and spelled candles were found with these amethyst gemstones in them.  In addition, numerous journal mentions of their use of these as, "Right of Passage" stones where they were ingested!  But this is not a, "Right of Passage" stone.



Umbanda Spirit Medium's Amethyst 
Her journals tell us these 19.05 x 11.1125 x 7.95 mm, 8.03 ct. and 14.3 x 11.1125 x 7.9375 mm, 6.02 ct. (14.05 tcw) faceted pear cut amethyst gems are the last of five gems she had cut from a specimen she obtained from a Umbanda Spirit Medium, met in Uruguay during her 1947 visit.

She describes a temple spiritual leader known as, "mãe-de-santo" (mother of saint), who she claims, "was an adept medium able to bridge the physical and the spiritual worlds."

She writes of visiting her temple as a welcome guest five times over a seven day period where she witnessed her teaching her initiates, many of whom displayed psychic abilities themselves, in the ways of Umbanda.

She also describes the Umbanda Temple as, "a makeshift structure of little difference to the housing in her town save for the hand painted plank of wood that was hung over the entrance bearing the name of the temple."

She goes on to note of the charitable works provided by this woman and her group such as volunteer assistance to orphanages and medical clinics, aiding in the distribution of medicine and providing care for the elderly and infirm, often opening her meager home to them.  Her notes also tell of her providing a $10,000.00 cash donation to this temple for their good works.  That is equivalent to $141,526.91 today!

She goes on to describe the Wednesday night ceremonies that began with offerings of wine, fruit, popcorn, cider and cigarettes to the spirits.  Each spirit individually receiving a proper offering and rite.

We quote from these notes, "She then led the congregation in song and dance which was followed by drinking hard cider and cigar smoking.  She, being separated from the congregation by a small white wood fence.  As the congregation became immersed in the singing and dancing, many suddenly became possessed by spirits, acting and speaking in personas other than their own.  Those who became possessed were recognized as having psychic power and, after the ceremony were invited to become initiates.  She herself however sang and danced through the night without experiencing possession although she did appear to be in a trance state which was surely caused by cachaça intoxication."

Another entry reads; "During a private meeting she produced amethyst in which she was able to invoke Father Olorum for guidance to help her ease the troubles of her people such as money matters, sickness, marital strife and trouble with the authorities."

She claims these gems were cut from those same amethyst specimen which was gifted to her upon her departure.

Of this amethyst she writes, "having invoked the supreme being it has had the breath of life upon it which has caused it to contain a soothing, healing energy that readily transfers to all that hold and peer into it."


Back to the Gems

These are flawless faceted pear cut amethyst gemstones of fine cut and deep purple color. 

Although both are pears, the larger one has an art cut to the pavilion which was done on two of the five gems cut.  Whoever the gem cutter was, he did some masterful work.  Although the cut of the gems is not attributed in her journals or inventory, we assume they were cut by a New York, practitioner, and follower, she names as, "Jew George", who had been used extensively by her long time friend Maya Deren, who had introduced them. 

We estimate the value of this 14.05 tcw pair of faceted pear amethyst gems at $109.50.


Brazilian Shaman's Ametrine
Her journals and inventory tell us this 19.05 x 14.3 x 11.13 mm, 16.07 ct., faceted oval ametrine gem was cut from specimen recovered during her 1962 Brazilian Shaman artifact hunt.  Although she does not name them in her notes, she solicited a handful of Brazilian holy men, healers, sorcerers and seers to act as guides to her party and relinquish some of their precious finds, usually in trade for guns.
She does write of one member of this group who guided her party to the source of this stone in Bolivia as being, "an elder held in high regard, well over six hundred years old" and of being told, "he does not speak of this much."  She does however describe him as, "appearing to have seen four decades and no more."
Her own notes tell us, "knowing full well of the energies of this stone, having been formed by it's close proximity to the magma that caused it's intense color that stimulate the pineal to release this fluid into one's system."
Other fascinating entries note of her ability to harvest this, "Amrita," as she refers to this pineal fluid, "through intense orgasm when the Amrita is in place" and of using this harvested fluid in her elixir's that, "guaranteed health and longevity."
Most of the entries concerning the ceremonial harvest of this, "Amrita" are far too graphic to be detailed here, but suffice to say the gem, "talisman" as she refers to them, are alleged to have been used as a sexual aids in the production and harvest this, "Amrita."
She also writes, "these are positive energies in these stones that have a calming affect on all associated with them.  They have proven useful aid in stimulating intuition.  Assured, meditations done with these stones will be most rewarding.  I have used these in the healing of my clients suffering from muscular disorders, and to help stimulate healing in general."
Our own research revealed...
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for the most part.
Amrita (Sanskrit, IAST: am?ta) or Amata (Pali) is a word that literally means "immortality" and is often referred to in texts as nectar.  Amrita is etymologically related to the Greek ambrosia and carries the same meaning.  The word's earliest occurrence is in the Rigveda, where it is one of several synonyms for soma, the drink which confers immortality upon the gods.
Amrit has varying significance in different Indian religions.  It is also a common first name for Hindus, the feminine form of which is Amrita.
A stone carving of a standing woman with a pot in her left hand and lotus in right.
Mohini, (above), the female form of Vishnu, holding the pot of amrit which she distributes amongst all the devas, leaving the asuras without.  Darasuram, Tamil Nadu, India
Amrit is repeatedly referred to as the drink of the devas which grants them immortality.
Amrit features in the samudra manthan legend, which describes how the devas, because of a curse from the sage Durvasa, begin to lose their immortality.  Assisted by their mortal enemies, the asuras, they churn the ocean and release (among other auspicious object and beings) amrit, the nectar of immortality.
Amrit is sometimes said to miraculously form on, or flow from, statues of Hindu gods.  The substance is consumed by worshippers and is alleged to be sweet-tasting and not at all similar to honey or sugar water.
Amrit was the last of the fourteen treasure jewels that emerged from the churning of the ocean and contained in a pot borne by Dhanvantari, the physician of the Gods.
Amrit is the name of the holy water used in the baptism ceremony or Amrit Sanchar in Sikhism.  This ceremony is observed to initiate the Sikhs into the Khalsa and requires drinking amrit.  This is created by mixing a number of soluble ingredients, including sugar, and is then rolled with a khanda with the accompaniment of scriptural recitation of five sacred verses.
Metaphorically, God's name is also referred to as a nectar:
Amrit sabad amrit har bai.
The Shabda is Amrit; the Lord's bani is Amrit.
Satgur seviai ridai samai.
Serving the True Guru, it permeates the heart.
Nanak amrit nam sada sukhdata pi amrit sabh bhukh leh javaia.
O Nanak, the Ambrosial Naam is forever the Giver of peace; drinking in this Amrit, all hunger is satisfied.
According to Thanissaro Bhikkhu (Theravada Buddhism), "the deathless" refers to the deathless dimension of the mind which is dwelled in permanently after nibbana.
In the Amata Sutta, the Buddha advises monks to stay with the four Satipatthana: "Monks, remain with your minds well-established in these four establishings of mindfulness. Don't let the deathless be lost to you."
In the questions for Nagasena, King Milinda asks for evidence that the Buddha once lived, wherein Nagasena describes evidence of the Dhamma in a simile:
"Revered Nagasena, what is the nectar shop of the Buddha, the Blessed One?"
"Nectar, sire, has been pointed out by the Blessed One.  With this nectar the Blessed One sprinkles the world with the devas; when the devas and the humans have been sprinkled with this nectar, they are set free from birth, aging, disease, death, sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief and despair.  What is this nectar?  It is mindfulness occupied with the body.  And this too, sire, was said by the Blessed One: 'Monks, they partake of nectar (the deathless) who partake of mindfulness that is occupied with the body.'  This, sire, is called the Blessed One's nectar shop."
Mahayana Buddhism/Pre-sectarian Buddhism, Ideas and practices;
Amrit (Wylie: bdud rtsi, THL: dütsi) also plays a significant role in Vajrayana Buddhism as a sacramental drink which is consumed at the beginning of all important rituals such as the abhisheka, ganachakra, and homa.  In the Tibetan tradition, dütsi is made during drubchens - lengthy ceremonies involving many high lamas.  It usually takes the form of small, dark-brown grains that are taken with water, or dissolved in very weak solutions of alcohol and is said to improve physical and spiritual well-being.
The foundational text of traditional Tibetan medicine, the Four Tantras, is also known by the name The Heart of Amrita (Wylie: snying po bsdus pa).
The Immaculate Crystal Garland (Wylie: dri med zhal phreng) describes the origin of amrita in a version of the samudra manthan legend retold in Buddhist terms.  In this Vajrayana version, the monster Rahu steals the amrita and is blasted by Vajrapani's thunderbolt.  As Rahu has already drunk the amrita he cannot die, but his blood, dripping onto the surface of this earth, causes all kinds of medicinal plants to grow.  At the behest of all the Buddhas, Vajrapani reassembles Rahu who eventually becomes a protector of Buddhism according to the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.
Chinese Buddhism describes Amrita as blessed water, food, or other consumable objects often produced through merits of chanting mantras.
This Gem

Her journaled inventory goes on to tells us she had these gems cut for her by the New York gem cutter,
practitioner and follower she names as,"Jew George" (described above) in 1965. 
This gemstone was faceted from natural color ametrine crystal that was mined in Bolivia.  It is of fine cut and views clean when viewed face up under 10x loupe magnification.  The gem displays a zoned citrine and purple amethyst.  It is genuine gem quality ametrine that has not been heated or treated in any way.
The sourced mines of these stones have been mined out and we doubt nicer ametrine gems can be found elsewhere.

Curandero's Mexican Fire Opal

This is one of the many faceted oval fire opal gems recovered from this estate which her journals tell us were procured from her longtime friend she names as "Jose, Don Jose, and Don Lucio" over the course of a forty year period that began in 1938.

Her journaled inventory tells us he was known to her in 1938 as Jose, a Yajalon Curandero and Walking Shaman.  He was not the only one of his kind that minerals and gems recovered from this estate were attributed to, often making it difficult to differentiate them as they occupied some of the same timeline's and geographical locations.

In this case, Jose, aka Don Jose, aka Don Lucio is identified through the mention of the sourced opal and the rings she had procured from him.

The 1938 entries concerned a group of opals he had accepted as an offering.  He had vowed to go their place of origin, the opal mines of Querétaro, Mexico to stock up on this opal.  We assume he was motivated by whatever she paid or traded him.  He is again mentioned in 1949 entries, as now being known as Don Jose, healer and opal trader and a sizable amount of "Don Jose Opal" was recovered from this estate.

According to her entries, he had walked the seven hundred miles from his home in Yajalón to find fortune in Querétaro pursuing his trade as 'Healer, Opal Collector and Trader'.

 Don Jose, now known as Don Lucio in 1958, is also now known as 'Granicero Healer, Silversmith, Opal Collector and Trader', which is the time these faceted opals first appear in her inventory.

This was also an obviously successful endeavor as her journals and inventory tell us she had received over one hundred of his stones that year and at least that many and an assortment of his rings over the course of the next twenty-four years culminating in 1982.

Only a small portion of these were all that remained for us to recover from this estate by the time we got there. 

Don Lucio's new title of Granicero, makes him an atmospheric ritualist, or in this particular case, a lightning ritualist, it having been said he had been struck by lightning numerous times in his lifetime.

The Gem, and more commentary...

She goes on to provide us with detailed descriptions and histories of their use to which we have added commentary of our own.

Of this sourced opal she writes; "These stones bear an energy that is predisposed for use in magic spells.  They achieve invisibility for us against all malicious magic and are a source of protection in themselves."

"A money draw, it is as if a magnet to draw in wealth.  It is also a healer and a stone of protection.  It can be relied upon to relieve deficiencies of energy while stimulating the libido and adrenal glands."

"He (Don Lucio), afforded cure to his patients suffering from fever, jaundice, indigestion, sore throats, neck swelling, hemorrhoids and depression, but he had won renown for his Susto, Mal puesto and Mal ojo works."

She goes on to describe these, "works" in a number of entries which describe the cause and symptoms of these spells, such as, "Susto is a fright sickness caused by traumatic and frightening experiences often emplaced during the victim's dream state.  Look for insomnia, lethargy, depression, irritability and anxiety as symptoms.  Effective treatment can be affected by covering the head with a Holy Water immersed cloth keeping it moist with periodic sprinkling in addition to spitting alcohol into the patients face unexpectedly and irrigating them internally with herbs".

She writes of, "Mal ojo" as being the evil eye cast by one blessed with the, "strong eye."  Those that admire children without touching them are easily afflicted.  The symptoms here are often diffuse so it is best to attempt cure by passing a fresh laid egg over the patient's entire body before placing it in a bowl under the patient's pillow overnight.  In the morning, if the egg is cooked then treatment for mal de ojo is in order."

She also writes of "Mal puesto" as the use of sorcery to invoke disease.  This is a true hex used by bruja throughout Mexico, Central and South America.  Here the Symptoms vary, as does the cure.  This involves, massage, herbal treatment, prayers and invocational chants performed in conjunction with arm crossing (anointing with oil and chili powder in the sign of the cross) and herbal pepper enemas."


The story of how Don Lucio, who was once Jose, the Yajalon Curandero, had come into possession of the original opals that had started this fervor was related to her and she made detailed note of it for us, "Given to his father, by his father before him, it had been worn in a gold pendant belonging to a witch who was acting as guide for the Spanish as they made their way north.  This was most likely a trek from Chile in the 16th. century!"

 "In his own words he related, 'they lay in surprise trap for these invaders, falling upon their camp in the early hours of dawn to free them of their lives."

She also notes of his group having numerous, "helms and breastplates taken from this massacre being used as reformed cooking utensils 300 years later by the villagers."


This Gem

Examination reveals an 11.1125 x 7.935 x 4.78 mm, 1.78 ct., faceted oval Mexican Fire Opal gem of fine cut and polish.

The gem displays an intense inner predominantly pale yellow/green with some orange and green fire like play of color when viewed under single sourced light.


The Black Opal

Her journals and inventory tell us the black opal in this box is part of a group faceted for her by an unnamed Mexico City, practitioner, follower and lapidary.  It was cut from opal rough obtained in 1958 from a young man who claimed to be a holy man with sacred stones to sell.  "He was actually a Kupa Piti miner with raw opals to sell," she writes in one entry, and in another she tells us this bizarre story; "The Djanggawul were brother and sisters, two girls, one boy, who created Australia.  They came from Beralku and made the sacrad talisman opal by breaking off pieces of their vulvas."

She goes on to write, "little did this thief know how close this was to the truth."  She had these opals cut to their present form, then induced them with spells or "charged" them, as she called it.  She goes on to attribute these opals in a journal entry that reads; "these are wonderful energies that awaken psychic and mystical awareness.  Gaze upon them, and into them.  This strengthens ones memory and has proven to be a powerful dream aid.  When worn, flashes of psychic and magical insight have always been perceived.  These energies will cause change to one's life so it is best to be prepared for this as opportunities for spiritual and material growth arrive quickly when exposed to them."

"Bathe the stone in the light of the full moon before wearing it in youthful regeneration."


This faceted oval black opal was ground and polished from natural crystal opal rough that was mined in the Coober Pedy.

 Coober Pedy
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for the most part...

Coober Pedy is located in South Australia.  In the 2016 Census, there were 1,762 people in Coober Pedy.  Of these 962 were male and 801 were female.  There were 302 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people that made up 17.1% of the population.  The town is sometimes referred to as the "opal capital of the world" because of the quantity of precious opals that are mined there.

Coober Pedy is renowned for its below-ground residences, called "dugouts," which are built in this fashion due to the scorching daytime heat.  The name "Coober Pedy" comes from the local Aboriginal term kupa-piti, which means boys waterhole."

The first opal was found in Coober Pedy on 1 February 1915; since then the town has been supplying most of the world's gem-quality opal.  Coober Pedy today relies as much on tourism as the opal mining industry to provide the community with employment and sustainability.  Coober Pedy has over 70 opal fields and is the largest opal mining area in the world.  Aboriginal people have a long-standing connection with the area.

The first European explorer to pass near the site of Coober Pedy was Scottish-born John McDouall Stuart in 1858.  The town was not established until after 1915, when opal was discovered by Wille Hutchison.  Miners first moved in about 1916.

By 1999, there were more than 250,000 mine shaft entrances in the area and a law discouraged large-scale mining by allowing each prospector a 165-square-foot (15.3 m2) claim.  The harsh summer desert temperatures mean that many residents prefer to live in caves bored into the hillsides ("dugouts").

A standard three-bedroom cave home with lounge, kitchen, and bathroom can be excavated out of the rock in the hillside for a similar price to building a house on the surface.  However, dugouts remain at a constant temperature, while surface buildings need air conditioning, especially during the summer months, when temperatures often exceed 40 °C (104 °F).  The relative humidity rarely gets over 20% on these hot days, and the skies are usually cloud-free.  The average maximum temperature is 30–32 °C (86–90 °F), but it can get quite cool in the winter.

Coober Pedy is a very small town, about halfway between Adelaide and Alice Springs.  It has become a popular stopover point and tourist destination, especially since 1987, when the sealing of the Stuart Highway was completed.  Visitors attractions in Coober Pedy include the mines, the graveyard and the underground churches (the Serbian Orthodox Church and the Catholic Church).  There are several motels offering underground accommodation, ranging from a few rooms to the entire motel being a dug-out.

The first tree ever seen in the town was welded together from scrap iron.  It still sits on a hilltop overlooking the town.


This Opal

This faceted oval opal gem is of fine cut with a decidedly green/gold/red flashes of color play inside the stone when exposed to a single sourced light that has not been adequately captured by the photographer.  

It measures approximately 7.95 x 4.78 x 3.18 mm, 0.51 ct.

And that concludes the lengthy writeup of this unusual collection of what is certainly an unusual spell box with an extraordinary provenance that is much nicer than the photographs have been able to depict.


We have been contacted and visited by a number of people who were interested in the items from this estate since our first batch was listed.  Among the buyers have been known psychics and practitioners.  More than one, after adorning themselves or handling their purchase, stated "this is a woman of power!"  Many of our customers, after receiving items from this estate have reported dream contacts and other unexplained phenomenon. 

Unusual, authentic voodoo priestess estate piece and at a bargain price!

This is truly a rare opportunity to own anything with attributes to this estate.  The majority of this estate is now gone.  Most of what we had left, and it was considerable, has been split up and sold to a couple of private, foreign collector practitioners and will never be made available again.  We made the decision to do this as we have had some pretty strange visits from even stranger individuals and there have been enough unexplained phenomenon going on in the warehouse where her things were kept that many of our employees refused to go in there.  The pieces offered and sold here are some of the few remaining pieces that will ever be offered to the public.

Nice addition to any collection, altar or decor that displays really well.  Really doesn't get any better than this.

There are 34 photographs below and we hope you enjoy the listing.

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