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Rootman's Fossilized Shark's Tooth, Multi-Gem Amulet with Bali Sterling Silver, Trade Ruby and Black Howlite Skull Mala - Thai Buddha Magic Incantation Party - A LiDiex Chapel Find - The Voodoo Estate

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~ Voodoo Priestess Estate ~ ©

Key West Rootman's Fossilized Shark's Tooth, Multi-Gem Amulet 
Bali Sterling Silver, Thai Trade Ruby and Black Howlite Skull
Fifty Four Count Mala Necklace

Buddha Magic Incantation Party - A LiDiex Shrine Find



This is another of our very long listings with an abundant text, 19 photographs and a short video, so please sit back and read the listing through.

If you have come this far, we feel you will find it was worth the wait.

Nearly twenty-two and ahalf and a half years have now past (12/06/2001) since we were called to do an estate that had been closed up for seventeen years!


The Voodoo Estate!

This type of call usually gets us excited as they are a treasure trove.  Located here in Florida, there was no electricity or running water so we rigged our own lighting and in we went.  If you have ever seen the Adams Family you will have some idea as to what we were greeted with!  Then the attorney handling the liquidation gave us some background.  The estate had belonged to an alleged powerful Voodoo Priestess/JooJoo Exorcist, grand daughter of a Marie Laveau, and favored daughter of a Marie Glapion.

These names meant nothing to us, but the late night talk of Voodoo and exorcism in the old mansion was enough to make us decide to spend the night in a hotel and return in the morning to assess the estate.  The rest is history.

Our research has shown that this woman was what she claimed and was indeed descended from a long line of well known Vodoun family originating in New Orleans in the early 1800's.

We were pretty unnerved by this until we discovered they were also devout Catholics!  Although I have to admit this was unlike any Catholic home we have ever been in and some of the items found inside were a little more than unnerving.  There was no feeling of dread or unwelcome in the mansion, however there was quite a bit of contraband and other items we can or will not sell here.

This is one of a few pieces from this estate we will be listing this week, so check our other listings!

 We will, upon the new guardian's request, issue a named Letter of Authenticity with each piece from this estate, complying with the terms set forth to us by the estate's attorney. 

Some Back Story

Found in what was named, "The LiDiex Chapel Room."  This was not the largest of the altar rooms but large nonetheless, as it measured 17 x 24 feet!  But it certainly was an unusual room that in describing, we could just as well be describing an ancient Cabinet of Curiosities.  It was indeed used as their chapel, "a place of solace and meditation where ancestors are revered," according to one of her journal entries.


We recovered this fossilized shark's tooth amulet mala necklace from a small shrine reliquary box on an altar in this room.  It is one of twenty-six companion pieces made for those who frequented, "The LiDiex Chapel Room."  Her journaled inventory tells us they were assembled in the spring of 1973.  It was then that the group of eleven Theravada Buddhist Monks sailed here aboard the Agwe at the invitation of the 1888 LiDiex.  They left for home in mid July.  It is obvious their hostess and host went out of their way to make their guests feel welcome.

 One of the monks is named as Somdej Phra Nyanasamvara.  Most of those named in this party apparently had their names edited out of the journals by various means.  ie; black ink, white-out, erasure and razor cuts were all employed in the ledgers during the period of their visit.  Our feeling is more than one of the residents had a hand in this and that it was done to protect the identities of the monks.  Her journals describe this as "a decadent group" and the timeline of their return to Thailand indicates a rash of decadent behavior by a group of monks we believe to be one and the same.


Most, but not all of their names were censored out of the journal entries and we believe this Somdej Phra Nyanasamvara, was the man who would go on to become the 19th. Supreme Patriarch of Thailand who would be appointed by King Bhumibol Adulyadej in 1989.


In 1972, he was given the title Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara, the same basic title that he bears today.  This is a rarely used monastic title that had not been granted to a Thai bhikkhu in over 150 years!  The granting of this title placed Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara at the top of the Thai monastic establishment, and set the stage for his being named "Sangharaja" or "Lord of the Sangha"  (Supreme Buddhist Patriarch of Thailand).


Other than being a notable person and willing participant in a 'mass dressing and blessing' of a group of mostly Buddhist depictions their hosts provided from their personal collections, Somdet Phra Nyanasamvara does not stand out in these journal entries.  He is however worthy of further research so we are providing a link to his Wikipedia page if this is of interest to you;





The Agwe

This estate included four off-site properties.  One of which was a nautical dry-dock, warehouse and storage yard on Old Griffin Road in Dania Beach Florida.  This was another overgrown property we literally had to cut our way into.  The massive bougainvillea that lined the fence line is what most likely prevented vandalism and theft, although her journals tell otherwise, attributing this to her spells of protection.

Restoring power to the site we began our inventory with the surprise find of their yacht, named, "The Agwe."  Her journals, inventory and our own research revealed this one hundred and seventy two foot, twin screw diesel, steel-hull motor yacht was custom built for her in 1930 by the Defoe Ship Building Company.  This was a small ship builder that was established in 1905 in Bay City, Michigan which went out of business in 1976 after failing to renew its contracts with the United States Navy.

The Agwe was designed for transoceanic voyages and upon inspection we found disguised, armored turrets with pintle gun mounts, and a secure, but empty armory.  No guns or munitions were recovered from the Agwe, but her journals and inventory list an extensive array of then state of the art, military grade weaponry she and her associates procured for this vessel.

The Agwe was named after a Voodoo Loa who her journals tell us, “is invoked as Shell of the Sea, Eel, and Tadpole of the Pond.  He is a Sea Sovereign and a lover of Erzulie.  He cares for the fauna and flora and all ships which sail upon the sea.  His symbols are brightly painted oars, shells, tiny boats, and small metal fish (all of which were found onboard).  He favors uniforms and gunfire, and is a protector of those at sea.” 

We sold the Agwe to a local automotive distributor who sent it to Holland to be refurbished, and we understand from the family (the buyer had since passed away) that he sold it after reports from the Dutch restorers that the ship was haunted.
Our research revealed this ship passed through several stages during its career.  The first was the initial contract to build it.  Then began the design phase which was carried out by a naval architect.  Construction then began in the shipyard.  Once completed, the ship was launched and delivered to them in Florida.  They procured the Dania Beach shipyard where they conducted an elaborate ceremony where they named and launched their ship.
 The Agwe would receive constant maintenance during its career, and once it was returned to Holland to repair major damage sustained at sea in 1946.  Most steel-hulled ocean-going yachts can have a lifespan of over one hundred years if maintained.

1888 LiDiex

The research generated by this estate has provided continuous fascination.  The procurer of these Buddha images was a man known only as "LiDiex," a 4th. generation descendant of the original Man Known Only As "LiDiex" to these shores who arrived as a survivor and saboteur of the slave Ship Henrietta Marie in 1701.  He then found his way to New Orleans to meet with the parents of the then infant grandmother of our priestess, Marie Laveau.

He is said to have caused the wreck by casting a spell using egg shells, and certain folklore concerning egg shells corroborate this.  This LiDiex took up trade in New Orleans as a wood carver, furniture and cabinet maker as did many of his descendants.  This is another case of the multi-generational relationships we have encountered with the families associated with this estate, as the LiDiex all had a strong association with these women.  Although he is the least mentioned of the LiDiex in her journals, he kept a suite of rooms with her beginning on his sixteenth birthday.  Apparently he would leave for periods lasting up to a decade before returning, shutting himself in her estate for lengthy periods before leaving again.  There is no record of the death of this LiDiex.
He is attributed with the design and consecration of the, "Resurrection Skull Altar" and most of the ceremonial spells associated and used with it.  Her journals, and those of a number of her live in practitioner followers, most notably, those of the LiDiex, tell of this altar being used in ritual resurrection ceremonies.  There are some pretty fantastic tales of animating inanimate objects, particularly, a number of articulated skulls using specific minerals, potions, elixirs and reptiles. 

He is described in her journals as being, "in excess of six feet of sinewy muscle, deceptively strong, easily matching two of his size in their grappling" and, "extensively, shaved, tattooed and pierced" in addition to, "shown to be capable of high magic without devices."

Both their journals claim his ability to heal wounds, shape shift, travel through time and space, telepath and create life with the power of his thought.  They also corroborate the sharing of identities with a number of other LiDiex, "being a master of disguise and misdirection, often with his mere thought," according to these entries.  This gave these men the ability to appear two or more places at once, an old family ploy that was apparently often used by their Mistress.

It is this LiDiex who is attributed with making her introduction to Alexandra David Neel and his journals tell of numerous meetings and short adventures with her.  Claiming at the age of twenty four to have met Neel for the second time in the company of Prince Sidkeong of Sikkim and of being her teacher of the Tibetan language having already spent six years with the Great Hermit as apprentice.

 Much is already written on these subjects, so there is no need to elaborate here in this already overly long text, but we wholeheartedly recommend a cursory search for some very interesting reading. 



But Back to the Party! 
These eleven monks, along with their hosts and other residents of this estate, provided thirty-seven predominantly Buddhist depictions in addition to these amulets, which they 'dressed and blessed' in a mass incantation ritual blessing they held in the Main Ballroom of this estate.  They were also responsible for assembling the twenty-six, fifty-four count, amulet mala necklaces, similar to this one for use with these amulets.  Her journals tell us they spent nine days preparing these items using a host of eclectic articles each had brought to the party to create a series of magical charmed items.  All were later relegated to the LiDiex Chapel where we recovered them.
This Amulet Mala's Components
and minor commentary
The Monk's Contributions
Their journals and inventory tell us the enameled coin silver case, phra yant and numerous blessings were the contributions brought to the table by their guests for the creation of this amulet mala.  According to their journals, the case contained an antique Phra Ngang which had been brought as a gift by the visiting monks which they vacated for the shark's tooth, skulls and gems.

They also brought their talents as sorcerer monks and are responsible for the marriage of these components and their mass blessings.

The Case
Although their description of 'coin silver' would lead one to believe the metal would be .800 Silver Standard or better.  It is not.  Many of the Thai coin silver amulets contain no silver at all, having been made from alloyed metal coinage with imagery said to contain magic, such as Buddha, Garuda, King Rama, etc.  This one does no test positive for any silver content.

The case has been wired closed with sterling silver wire.  It measures approximately 3 3/8" (with bale) x 1 3/4" x 15/16" and is unmarked, with no maker's or assay marks.



The monks were also responsible for the black ink phra yant unalome yants as part of this shark tooth's dressing.

The Unalome

The unalome is an important symbol and word that is still shrouded in mystery.  Our own research lead us to quite a few interpretations of what many people felt what it was, and/or what it meant.  Most coming from well meaning, we're sure, tattoo artists!
 Basically it is a Theravada Buddhist Sak-Yant, usually found as a tattoo that is considered to be very spiritual.  Its meaning and source are still a mystery and nothing is from a credible source.  It is a spiritual symbol used in practice by the Theravada Buddhist along the path to enlightenment.
In form, its bottom spiral represents life's struggles, these struggles get thinner as one continues and attains enlightenment or nirvana.
It is often found as a tattoo and isn’t confined to just one meaning and symbol.  It has varied patterns and each pattern has a different meaning.  Sometimes it represents the moon, the light that shines in the darkness along the path of enlightenment.  It also represents strength and resilience.
”Some of her journal entries relating to this yant read; "The magic yant, the unalome, see it well.  It is Aum, in the design of sacred geometry.  Casting chanted spell magic is recited mantra that begins and ends with it."
"See it well, it is not the only element necessary for magic power.  Contained within are sacred geometry that cast the spell in the 'Bpug Sek Kata'.  It is essential to activate this magic power within the Yant.  By entering Samadhi and visualizing what should be active in the Yant."
“It is one of the nine Gao Yord, that permits entrance into the lineage of masters.”
“Here is representation of the crown of the Arahant's”.

Yant Magic 

The presence of these marks makes this shark's tooth, "Yant Yun."  Our own research has shown that all Yant fall into the amulet category  known as Kruang Reang i.e. Objects of Magic.  These are sacred images of high age from past guru masters that are highly collectible and can command a high price on today’s market.  The symbolism they display are usually seen as tattoos known as Sak Yant, of the Khmer Sorcerer Monks, Muay Tai fighters, mixed martial artists and some celebrities today.  When this  intricate script is written on cloth it is known as 'Pha Yant'.  It is also etched on the soft metals used in Takrut's and on many Thai amulets.

The word Yant itself comes from the old the Sanskrit meaning, 'a sacred geometrical design', and is usually accompanied with a written Khom script or set of characters which are linked to the prayer or katha.  The script is a combination of Khom, Thai and the Sanskrit language, which is a style of early Khmer wicha magic that has been adopted by Buddhist monks and Ajarns (civilian Brahmins) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia.

In its form as a tattoo, (Sak Yant) it is much more than a fashion statement.  It is intrinsically linked to Buddha, Buddhist precepts and the guru master who created it.  The worshipper must truly believe and follow any instructions, as it is said the embedded wicha power may vanish if the are not followed.

Each design is unique in meaning and purpose as crafted by its maker, but follows a common theme such as bringing good luck and fortune, protection from harm and accidents, warding off evil spirits, love and attraction, power and success, great fighter, great lover, great talker etc.  In any of its forms, the sorcerer monk will chant his own form of incantation spell and ancient katha chant, at some point during the end of the process of making the yant, which concludes with Pao Katha, a blowing of the masters breath across the article to bind and activate the magical formula. 


The Estate Contributions

The balance of the items used to complete this amulet mala necklace consisting of the shark's tooth, Bali sterling silver bell, enhydro crystal, human bone and black howlite skulls, the ruby, sapphire, tourmaline and zircon gems in the case, along with the Bali sterling silver, black howlite skulls, Thai trade ruby beads and dyed red yak sinew that complete this fifty-four count mala necklace were brought to the party by the hosts.  The monk's are literally described as being like kids in a candy store.

The Key West Rootman's Fossilized Shark's Tooth

Shark's teeth have an extensive folklore that spans centuries.  They have been used and worn as protection and good luck talisman in cultures wherever sharks are found.  She held similar beliefs and practices which encompassed an array of bizarre and fear provoking activities that culminated in things that can never be rationally explained.

Her journals and inventory tell us this fossilized tooth is one of many she obtained from, "a Key West Root Man" she first mentions in 1936.  According to her journal entries these were used to, "protect the bearer from harm."

It is obvious that their guests had their way with them in adorning them with Phra Yant symbols.  Apparently they found favor with these teeth as each of them are said to have been thrilled with receiving a few of these to take home with them,

This one measures approximately 1 13/6"  x 1 1/8"


Her journals go on to tell us, "these prehistoric teeth have water element energy that is a natural link to our predatory instincts and abilities.  They are protective against malicious and evil spirits as they cannot abide their presence.  Hence we always wear and carry them at sea,"

Our research revealed this one to be a fossilized Mackerel Shark's tooth.

from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for the most part...

Otodus is an extinct genus of mackerel shark which lived from the Paleocene to the Pliocene epoch.  The name Otodus comes from Ancient Greek meaning "ear" and "tooth" thus, "ear-shaped tooth."


This shark is known from its fossilized teeth and vertebral centra.  Like other elasmobranchs, the skeleton of Otodus was composed of cartilage and not bone, resulting in relatively few preserved skeletal structures appearing within the fossil record.  The teeth of this shark are large with triangular crown, smooth cutting edges, and visible cusps on the roots.  Some Otodus teeth also show signs of evolving serrations.

The fossils of Otodus indicate that it was a very large macro-predatory shark.  The largest known teeth measure about 104 millimeters (4.1 in) in height.  The vertebral centrum of this shark are over 12.7 cm (5 inch) wide.  Scientists suggest that this shark at least reached 9.1 meters (30 ft) in total length (TL), with a maximum length of 12.2 meters (40 ft).


Otodus had a worldwide distribution, as fossils have been excavated from Africa, Asia, Europe, and North America.


Otodus likely preyed upon large bony fish, other sharks, and from the Eocene until the genus' extinction during the Miocene, marine mammals.  It was among the top predators of its time. 


It is widely believed that the genus originates from a lineage of sharks belonging to the genus Cretalamna, due to strong similarities in tooth morphology.  Scientists determined that Otodus evolved into the genus Carcharocles, given substantial fossil evidence in the form of transitional teeth.  Some teeth have been excavated from the sediments of the Nanjemoy Formation in Maryland, USA, Ypres clay in Belgium, and western Kazakhstan, which are morphologically very similar to Otodus teeth but with lightly serrated cusplets and a serrated cutting edge.  These transitional fossils suggest a worldwide evolutionary event, and support the theory that Otodus eventually evolved into Otodus aksuaticus and thus initiated the Carcharocles lineage.  A more recent study of Megalolamna's taxonomic relationships demonstrates the possibility that Otodus needs to include the species sometimes assigned to Carcharocles (i.e., the megatoothed lineage, including megalodon) in order to be monophyletic.



The Sterling Silver

More often than not, their metal of choice was silver as she notes, "Silver is the mirror of the soul related to the moon energies.  It strengthens connections of the astral and physical bodies.  A metal unmatched in its psychic energies and healing abilities, I have used it as a spell medium, to heal the speech impaired and to help public speakers achieve eloquence.  Induced into the drink, it has expelled the toxins that caused headaches, arthritis, intestinal and blood disorders.  More importantly it attracts, enhances and stores energies of gemstones, driving out negative energies the stone may have absorbed."
Their journals and her inventory tell us all of the silver used in this  ensemble is 'Sanur Pandai Sudra Sterling Silver' which described in detail below.

Spirit Bell


Her journals tell us this is a sterling silver spirit bell that resides in this amulet.  She also tells us she "subjected the bell to spells rendering it for spirit sensitivity."

She makes numerous entries that make claim to bells ringing in the presence of spirits while she was in the proximity, especially those she had spelled and was wearing while "ringing the bell to bind the spell" when she would cast an impromptu spell while out and about, and of it being, "spell cast to determine the truth."

Some of these entries read, "an answer given to a question asked the bell ringing will determine the truth.”

"this is a secret spell rendering of metal that is an ancient truth, bells will ring on the passing into the spirit world, in the presence of spirits, and their peal is a protective ward that will seal a spell cast or break a spell cast upon you."

"The Church bells are blessed as a sacramental which endows their pealing with the power to perform minor exorcism in that it repels demonic presence.  You will note that many church bells are rung three times a day to accompany the recitation of the Angelus prayer."

"Do not let the diminutive size of this charm cause you to treat it as a novelty.  It contains a powerful enchantment that is invoked in the presence of the dead, spirit, demons, and the energy of what some deem to be magic."

Real or imagined, we certainly understand why she was as feared and respected as she was.

The bell measures approximately 1/2" in height.



"Ma-Na-Ta-Ka Vapor Valley, Enhydro, Timeline Crystal" 


It is one of the many crystal specimen that are alleged to have been obtained by the 1888 LiDiex.  Quite a number of their journal entries detail the forays of the 1888 LiDiex into secret underground caves, chambers, passages and portals they claimed were manufactured by our earliest descendant's, the ancient explorer's that colonized this planet and came to be known as Gods and Deities.

One entry dated "April, 13th. 1901, He enters the African Caves as an athlete, magnificent creature.  Hours later he emerges in Andalusia which is confirmed by radio.  He has found Saint Michael's Device and invoked him."

These entries allege crystal and gem material were brought from under the earth by this LiDiex, naming them as "Invocation Stones" that were placed here for us by these ancient descendant's.

It is alleged that this is one such crystal, attributed to a "Secret Vapor Valley Portal that he has recovered."

This crystal is sourced as "Ma-Na-Ta-Ka Vapor Valley Crystal, July, 1937."  There are a number of entries that tell of this LiDiex taking guests with him through underground portals to emerge at what they called a "Vapor Valley Conference" held June or July of every year.  Essentially, they were presented as guest speakers bearing gifts to a yearly tribal conference of Holy Men to discuss the members of "the Secret Rosicross who hold power" and their ongoing quest to shut down or rather obliterate Holy Sites throughout the world.

Our own early research has turned up some pretty fascinating information corroborating Golden Dawn and Rosicrucian ritual molestation and murder, ie; sacrificial ceremony, usually of young "bred" family members.  These ceremonies taking place at spas or springs which were once Native American Holy Ritual Sites that have now been covered up or obliterated from the face of the earth.

Recent research has revealed this to be a rather successful and ongoing agenda to destroy these sacred sites throughout the world which has been taking place for over a hundred years!

Again, there really is an abundance of information along these lines of research, far too much to place in this already lengthy text, but we wholeheartedly encourage you to research this further on your own. 


Their journals indicate the use of these crystal formations for past life dream recall and spell invocation.  She also notes that using these stones have had side affects, usually on those not "indoctrinated to our ways," as she puts it in one entry.  These side affects include disorientation, nervousness, excessive sweating and nausea.

Another entry reads, "If these discomforts arise, discontinue your use, bathe and cleanse yourself.  After a brief rest you may continue, noticing longer periods of use with each session."

This crystal is sub-categorized as "Ix Che Scry", in her journaled inventory noting, "he has managed to invoke her as a tool to aid in retribution spells", claiming it to be "a left hand crystal" used to focus their spells along a specific, mathematically calculated path.  They would use it to "align crystal at altar" and for "short distance burst", claiming, "it can send an accurate charge for nearly one thousand feet when left hand held alone."

In another entry she describes its long range use when the target is not in line of sight, "visualization here is the key, but once manifested it will easily focus on and procure the target bridging all borders that separate the planes".

They have made entries dating to 1985 that are attributed in her own words; "This is a mathematically planned formation that has been charged to open the inner gateways that allow intuitive answers forgoing ego.  It is a crystal of clarity that will direct you when left hand work becomes problematical.  It is a white light manifestation tower that lights the meditative path that leads us to dream clarity and the manifestation of thought.  It is a sacred crystal containing universal knowledge.  Attune yourself to its vibrations and this knowledge will spew forth along a stream of pure white molecular energy.  This is ancient and profound secret knowledge that requires a pure heart and strong belief to access."

This crystal produces a high vibrational energy that mortals may access to clear, heal and perfect our emotional bodies while allowing access to past knowledge.  A bridge to our past lives which allows communication with the spirit guides.  It is best used by advanced metaphysical practitioners sharing and teaching those seeking the spiritual path."~!~

The Crystal

A timeline to the past plane is visible as are some Aurora Borealis or Rainbow Enhydro, Phantom & Faden Line inclusions along with Self Healing & some Elestial Etching along some of the planes.

It is a complicated formation with a lot going on that measures approximately 1 1/8" x 1"


Nawab's Bone Skulls


Her journaled inventory goes on to tell us the seven skull beads used in this amulet are, “Nawab's bone" and are part of a lot of human bone artifacts brought to the estate by the Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi.


The Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi
Her journals and inventory go on to tell us "these were bequeathed to us by Bhai Singh Sahib."  The first journal entry concerning this Yogi she names as, "Bhai Singh Sahib" is dated July 13th., 1929 and tells of a young Sikh forced to flee his homeland for religious persecution.  He was a Hindu, who was thought to have killed a Nawab.
It is not clear where their introduction was made.  Perhaps in her travels or through an associate, but we can not find any previous mention of, "The Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi" as he is named in later entries.
The journal entries concerning Sahib span the four decade period he essentially spent in exile with those associated with this estate until the time of his death.  "Drawn to our ways he has added his Sikh blood to our line," according to one entry, which indicates to us that he took a mistress or wife that bore children during this time, but this section of journal is badly water damaged and illegible.

Little detail was found concerning his life prior to shutting himself in this estate for forty years for the most part.  There are numerous reference to his having been taught by Sant Hazara Singh of fame, but we have not been able to corroborate this.  
In a detailed journal entry that pertains to his exile she relates his story she claims had been told to her directly from Sahib.  It began in December of 1928 and ended in the Himalayas of Northern India in January, of 1929.

"The eldest son of the Nawab had kidnapped, raped and murdered my sister, but vengeance was not to be mine.  He fled into the mountains with a small retainer that I managed to kill in three ambushes, yet in each instance the young Nawab escaped.  This vendetta fueled chase took us deep into the mountains and sixteen days had now elapsed when I spotted his campfire in the valley below.  Taking refuge in a cave I prepared myself for the final pre-dawn assault in which I meant to take his life.  I would estimate no more than three hours had elapsed when I heard his screams in the night which I assumed to be his night terrors caused by his insidious deeds.  As it played out I was not far from wrong.  A Red Bear bore on his camp and dragged him away screaming which was the commotion I heard.  It took three days to find where the bear had cached his remains in the snow having first eaten nearly the entire trunk and the face of the Nawab.  I scavenged the sight taking his flesh meat, bone, his misbaha, rings and his knife. I am of course now hunted in exile for the bear's work."
She goes on to note that he claims to have eaten the flesh and fashioned the bone of the young Nawab into talisman, and that the lapis lazuli beads taken from the three misbaha recovered from the scene by Sahib were later used in many of their prayer bead bracelets.  The bone pieces were fashioned into these unusual skull beads made from the knuckles, elbows and femurs of the Nawab.
We're sure he fit right in!
There is also strong indication that this Yogi was a member of her "Zuvembie," a secret, in house sect of what were essentially thugs or assassins she gathered to do her will.
They obviously thought highly of him as his funeral ceremony is detailed from the bathing and clothing of his body to the cremation ceremony where, "Kirtan Sohila, the nighttime prayer was recited and Ardas offered which induced a feeling of detachment as the flames took his body", to the ashes being disposed of by immersing them in the Miami River and the non continuous reading of the entire Sri Guru Granth Sahib that was timed to conclude on the tenth day marking the end of the mourning period.

Another entry reads, "he was a passionate healer whose works stimulate the Kundalini through the activation of the Coccygeal Chakra."


The skulls are of fine grind and polish, and measure approximately 5/16" in height.


Black Dyed Howlite Skull

There is a single black dyed howlite skull bead upon which the shark's tooth is perched and is further described below in the necklace components paragraph below.


0.84 ct. Thai Trade Ruby Gem

Her journals and inventory tell us there is a 0.84 ct. ruby faceted oval gem which was cut from one of the many specimen she bought from a Northern Thailand vendor in 1959.  This foray into Thailand was to research and study the regional occult and necromantic practices of the region.
Some of her journal entries concerning this source of ruby read, “This is a heart chakra stone, and an invocation tool for Raphael.”
“Their color brings light and change into your world.”
“Wear it to shed the body of toxins.”
"It is a true anahata talisman that will allow your will to affect the decisions of others".
We estimate the value of this cabochon at $285.00 USD.

Our own research revealed Anahata as the fourth primary chakra, according to the Hindu, Yogic, Shakta, and Tantric Buddhist traditions.  In Sanskrit, anahata translates to English as unhurt, unstruck and unbeaten.  Anahata Nad refers to the Vedic concept of unstruck sound, the sound of the celestial realm.  Anahata usually is associated with a calm serene sound that is void of violence.  The Anahata chakra is positioned in the central channel in the spine at the heart region, with its kshetram or superficial activation site actually in the heart region between the two breasts.
It is represented by a smoke-grey lotus flower, with 12 petals.  Inside of it is a smoke-colored region that is made from the intersection of 2 triangles, creating a shatkona.  The shatkona is a symbol used in Hindu Yantra that represents the union of both the masculine and feminine form.  More specifically it is supposed to represent Purusha (the supreme being), and Prakriti (mother nature, or causal matter).  Often this is represented as Shiva - Shakti.  The deity of this region is Vayu, who is smoke colored, four-armed, holding a kusha and riding upon an antelope, the animal of this chakra.
The seed syllable is the mantra 'Yam', dark-grey in color.  Within the bindu or dot above the syllable resides the deity Isha (Lord in an all pervading form).  Isha is either shining white or blue in color, has either 1 or 5 faces with 3 eyes on each face; has 2, 4 or 10 arms, is clad in a tiger skin, holds a trident and a drum and/or is making gestures of granting boons and dispelling fear.  His shakti is Kakini, who is shining yellow or rose in color.  She has a number of variations, having either 1, 3 or 6 faces, 2 or 4 arms, and holding a variety of implements, occasionally a sword, shield, skull and trident.  She is seated on a red lotus.
The twelve petals are vermilion in color, and upon them are inscribed the syllables kam, kham, gam, gham, ngam, cham, chham, jam, jham, nyam, tam and tham in Sanskrit.  They match the vrittis of lust, fraud, indecision, repentance, hope, anxiety, longing, impartiality, arrogance, incompetence, discrimination and defiance.
Anahata is considered the seat of the Jivatman, and Para Shakti. In the Upanishads, this is described as being like a tiny flame that resided inside the heart. Anahata is so called because it is in this place that sages hear that sound (Anahata – Shabda) which comes without the striking of any two things together.” It is associated with the element of air, the sense of touch, and with actions of the hands.
Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma.  In Manipura and below, man is bound by the laws of karma, and the fate he has in store for him.  In Anahata, one is making decisions, 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature.  As such, it is known as the heart chakra.  It is also associated with love and compassion, charity to others, and forms of psychic healing.
Meditation on this chakra is said to bring about the following siddhis, or occult powers; he becomes a lord of speech; he is dearer than the dearest to women; his senses are completely under control, and he can enter at will into another's body.
The Sapphire Gems of the Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi

Her inventory tells us there are four types of sapphire gems and cabochons used in this amulet.  All were given to
 her by the same Ayurvedic Kundalini Yogi' described above.

The Sapphires

Their journals and inventory reveal to us the source and detailed descriptions of the sapphire gemstones that they chose to make part of this cased amulet.

They list the sapphire's as follows; Three faceted oval bi-color faceted oval gems; 4.08 tcw.
A single 0.86 ct., green sapphire faceted oval gem.
Three faceted oval blue sapphire gems 1.65 tcw.
Ten multi-color sapphire cabochons 2 to 4 mm in length, 0.82 tcw.
Three dark blue sapphire round cabochons, 3.42 tcw.

There are 10.83 tcw of assorted sapphire gems and cabochons in this amulet with an estimated value of $630 USD


She makes numerous reference to these stones with journal entries that read; "an intuit stone attuned to the flow of life.  It is a calming and centering stone that is full of happiness.  Their energies bring contentment while attracting prosperity and the fulfillment of one's dreams.  They have been successfully used to scry for and enhance psychic ability with all feminine energies."
"This gem aligns one’s personal will with Divine Will, expanding your consciousness to accept a broader view to overcome the obstacles set before us.  One must understanding that not all blocks to success are counter to Divine Will.  One needs the lessons learned in overcoming obstacles and these yellow sapphire gems have been instrumental in discerning this."

"I have prescribed these gems to merchants to place in their cash box to attract wealth and increase earnings.  When worn or carried, the stone should contact flesh.  It attracts abundance and manifests any visions to realizations."

"Here is a stone of wisdom and prosperity. It attracts wealth and abundance while manifesting creative energy into being."

Brazilian Shaman's Green Tourmaline Gems
Her journals and inventory also tell us there are three faceted oval green tourmaline gems in this amulet, consisting of a 1.51, 1.22 and 0.85 stones, 3.58 tcw which were cut from specimen recovered during her 1962 Brazilian Shaman artifact hunt.   Although she does not name them in her notes, she solicited a handful of Brazilian holy men, healers, sorcerers and seers to act as guides to her party and relinquish some of their precious finds, usually in trade for guns.
She goes on to tells us she had these gems cut for her in 1965, by the New York gem cutter, practitioner and follower she names as,"Jew George."  George had been introduced to her by her long time friend Maya Deren in the 1950's and was responsible for many of the gemstones used in their jewelry and found as loose stones.
She does write of this source of tourmaline as having specific metaphysical and healing properties and she claims to have induced the gems with spells or, "charged" them as she called it.  Two such journal entries read, "a stone of tolerance, its energy promotes happiness, serenity and compassion.  A channeling stone, it offers a high degree of protection in diminutive sizes.  A stimulant to the heart chakra, well suited to love spells."

"an embodiment of the Holy Femini (her spelling) that fosters beauty, fidelity, compassion, happiness, family, luck and love"
 We estimate the value for these dark green tourmaline gems is $75/carat x 3.58 cts = $268.50 


Rosicrucian Magus Wake Blue Zircon Gem

The journal entries pertaining to this gem tell us it was once part of a group of assorted gemstones and Sarira that resided in a cut crystal reliquary which their journals tell us were "useful tools that we have called upon for guidance when dealing with the recent dead at the speaking table," which we recovered from the Main Séance, Reading Room.  The Reading Roomswere a commercial endeavor that had a wealthy following and is where many of the major séances of this estate were conducted.  Many, if not all of her associates worked these rooms, conducting séances, card readings and numerous forms of divination for their clientele.  Apparently this was a lucrative endeavor, as it remained active for over six decades.

Sarira are Holy Cremation Relics which are pearl or crystal- bead like objects that are found among the cremated ashes of spiritual masters.  Relics of the Buddha after cremation are termed dhatu in the Mahaparinibbana Sutta.  Sarira are held to emanate or incite 'blessings' and 'grace' within the mindstream and experience of those connected to them.  Sarira are also believed to ward off evil.

They claim to have used these gems tools in their divinations asserting to be given insight to the past, present, future and to have received spirit guidance and intervention on behalf of their clients.


She goes on to tell us of this is a 0.79 ct., faceted oval electric blue zircon gem she had reclaimed from a ring she had stolen from the dead body of a stranger during their wake ceremony!  The ring being referenced here is one of the many items her journals indicate had been stolen from deceased Rosicrucian's at their wake services.  Apparently if she had some time on her hands she would scan the obituaries wherever she might happen to be, in search of Rosicrucian wake viewings and attend them with the intent of stealing something from the body of the deceased, usually jewelry, especially if she felt they had any mystical powers.  According to these journal entries she also found amusement in seducing one, or more of the mourners with the intent of being caught in a compromising position.

Although she disliked this group in particular she would apparently also do these things for sport.  She felt that any of the items they were laid out with that had any metaphysical power would be denied them in the next life and that she would benefit from this power.

Her notes indicate that the subject ring was one of the two taken in Los Angeles, California, in 1960.  She notes that she was in New Mexico when she heard of this particular death and immediately changed her itinerary to go to the wake of this "Magus Reptilian Half-breed" she so names as Harold M. Lewis.

She also notes that this was one of rings worn one of which she had no difficulty in removing, as opposed to the other which she tells of in a journal entry that reads, "I gave it a tug and it (the finger) just fell off," indicating she took the pinky along with the ring!  Our recovery of these items from the estate substantiate this claim.

Her journal entries note of this gem, "it is used to protect the mind and body from harmful energy emitted by celestial bodies in our solar system.  It is also believed to carry certain characteristics which act in a positive manner to attract the vibrations of wealth, self confidence, self esteem and wisdom.  It is associated with love and happiness and it is believed to cure some diseases including epilepsy, fever and insanity.  It is also believed that the wearer should maintain the shine on the gems because without it the gem's power will change from good to negative.

The gem is of fine cut and electric blue color with eye visible inclusions that guarantee a natural, untreated stone.


Natural zircon is valued for its high refractive index and excellent fire.  It has a higher refractive index than sapphire, ruby, spinel or tanzanite and also has impressive fire, with a dispersion rating nearly as high as diamond.  Zircon is a gemstone found in many colors which are caused by impurities that are incorporated in the mineral during the formation of the gem.  They are semi precious and brittle meaning they can get damaged easily.

White zircon was once sold as a diamond substitute in the days before synthetics like moissanite, is still quite inexpensive at about $35 to $50 per carat.  It is one of the most brilliant of all colorless gemstones.

Hindu poets tell of the Kalpa Tree, the ultimate gift to the gods, which was a glowing tree covered with gemstone fruit with leaves of zircon.  In the middle ages, zircon was said to aid sleep, bring prosperity, and promote honour and wisdom in its owner.

According to some, Zircon relieves pain and is said to whet one's appetite, prevent nightmares and ensure a deep tranquil sleep.  Some have found it helps one be more at peace with oneself.  Zircon is believed to provide the wearer with wisdom, honor and riches.  The loss of luster on a Zircon stone is said to warn of danger

The name probably comes from the Persian word 'zargun', which means 'gold-colored', although zircon comes in a wide range of different color

The minerals jargon, hyacinth, and jacinth also contain zircon and these have been known since biblical times and are mentioned in the bible in several places.  The existence of a new element within these minerals was not suspected until studies by Martin Heinrich Klaproth in the late 18th. century who isolated Zircon in 1789.

About Blue Zircon

This brilliant aqua blue gemstone has a higher refractive index than sapphire, tanzanite or spinel.  Yet zircon is not well known by the general public.  Most are apt to confuse it with cubic zirconia, a synthetic diamond simulant.  Zircon is a natural mineral called zirconium silicate that is found in a range of colors, including white, blue, yellow, orange, brown, rose and green.

Blue zircon is arguably the most popular color.  It is produced by heat treatment of brown zircon.  But not all brown zircon will turn blue when heated; only some zircon has the right physical structure for this to occur.  This is why most blue zircon comes from certain sources in Cambodia or Burma.

 Blue zircon has some unique properties.  Not only does it display outstanding brilliance, it also has strong dispersion or fire, which is the tendency to split white light into the spectral colors.  Zircon also has very pronounced birefringence or double refraction, with a wide variance between the two refractive indices.  This can be often be observed with the naked eye when you look down through the table of a cut zircon; you will observe facet doubling that makes the facet edges appear blurred.
Although this is a reasonably hard gem, with a Mohs hardness of about 7 to 7.5, it is somewhat brittle and therefore sensitive to knocks and pressure.  Zircon has the tendency to wear along facet edges.  Blue zircon can be found in a range of blue tones from very pale to a saturated medium-blue.  Due to pleochroism, blue zircon can look slightly greenish when viewed from one direction.
The GIA website tells us; "Blue zircon was a particular favorite in Victorian times, when fine gems were often featured in English estate jewelry dating from the 1880s.  Gemologist George Kunz—Tiffany’s famed gem buyer—was a notable zircon advocate.  He once proposed the name “starlite” to promote the gem’s fiery nature.  The name never caught on.

We estimate the value of this gem at $95 ct. x 0.85 ct. = $80.75 USD


Bali Sterling Silver, Thai Trade Ruby and Black Howlite Skull
Fifty Four Count Mala Necklace
its components and more commentary


We recovered hundreds of these mala necklaces which were made to accommodate their amulets.  They appear to have originated during the estate stay of this group of monks and their designs, were quickly incorporated into the beading sessions that regularly took place here.  We were able to identify and establish a timeline using their journals and inventory entries.  The last session producing these necklaces was on April 16th., 1981.

This is one of the few, fully assembled amulet mala necklaces original to the estate that we have left, mostly due to our own Uncle Waddy secreting them in his collection.  The original cases were instrumental in having new reproductions made in Thailand over fifteen years ago, and pairing up newly cased amulets with the necklaces from this estate.  These also remained in his collection for nearly 20 years before it was realized he even had them.

But that is another story, and this amulet mala necklace is original to this estate as shown.

Her journaled inventory goes on to tell us this fifty-four count single amulet mala necklace is part of a group that were worn by the LiDiex.
Examination reveals a Bali Sterling Silver, Thai Trade Ruby and black howlite skull bead, fifty-four count mala necklace made to support a single amulet, as the title implies.
Sanur Pandai Sudra Sterling Silver

The LiDiex journals tell of their dealings with a family of, “Sanur Pandai Sudra” over a four year period of 1957 through 1961.  Some of these entries read, “a family of traditional Balinese smiths and sorcerers, descended from a long line of craftsman sorcerers of Sanur.  They are in possession of authentic, ancient Hindu lontars, (Holy inscriptions written on the leaves of the lontar palm) that tell of the mythical history of their arts.”

“They are known locally as pande mas, trained by the Gods."

“Although they are low caste sudra, they are sought out for their work in silver, gold and sorcery.  They claim to be direct descendants of Brahma.”

The word 'pandai' means both 'smith' and 'clever'.

Their journal and inventory entries attribute the spirit bell (in the amulet and described above). the wire and twenty-seven assorted hooks, rings beads and bead caps they chose for this mala necklace as being obtained from these, "Sanur Pandai Sudra.”

Unmarked, all test as .925 Sterling Silver Standard.


Thai Trade Ruby Beads

Her journals and inventory also tell us the seven, 8 mm and pair of 11 mm, faceted round ruby beads used in this necklace were cut from some of the many specimen she bought from a Northern Thailand
vendor in 1959 as described in detail above.

The beads are of fine grind and polish.

Black Dyed Howlite Skulls

Her journaled inventory also tells us, the fifty-four dyed howlite skull beads used in this mala necklace (and the one in the amulet) are part of a group that were cut from stone she obtained as trade goods in Southern California in 1956.
Years later, after having these, "cut and charged" as she calls exposing them to one of their vat dyes, which in the case of these stones effectively dyed them to their current deep black color.
Unfortunately this section of her journal ledger is all but destroyed from water intrusion and what she tells us about this treatment is lost to the ages.
What we can decipher from these  entries, was the dyes used on these stones was staff manufactured using estate grown material.  This treatment did certainly enhance the color of these stones.
The skulls are of fine grind and polish, and measures approximately 12.7 x 11.1125 x 11.1125 mm.
The Ensemble
All of these have been hand knotted, and strung together with dyed red yak sinew to form this fifty-four count, single amulet mala necklace measuring approximately 36" in overall length with a 20" drop.

She writes of the acquisition of a large quantity of this sinew from a, "Chinese healer and talisman maker known for and sought for his works," purchased at the Namche Bazaar of Nepal in 1928.

This amulet, mala ensemble also bears the distinction of having been part of Uncle Waddy's personal collection.  This shark tooth amulet, case and fifty-four count mala necklace are original to this estate.

This amulet ensemble will come to you mounted and blessed (as shown) by at least one senior monk of Wat Buddharangsai who thanks you for the homage paid Theravada Buddhism.

"receptive light has produced this phenomenon"
We have been using props, mostly from this estate, in the photos sessions and recently added candles essentially creating what our photographers felt were minor altars where the items being photographed would receive the blessings of a Buddha, Shiva,and or other Bodhisattvas, deities or certain skulls recovered from this estate.



The Candle
Please view the listings where we have used candles as props.  You can see they cast a nice, calm, warm glow.  We like it.  The candle on the right was made by Vicky Adams of Pan's Apothika, aka Panpipes.  Arguably the World's Oldest Occult andMetaphysical Store in the world that is still in business and located at 4856 Santa Monica Blvd. Los Angeles, California 90029.  Certainly The Best, in our humble opinion!
Pan's Apothika | Los Angeles CA
We have known Vicky over 20 years and recognize her as an authority and advanced practitioner.  Her custom blended oils, incense and candles are legendary in their being valued assets to the toolbox of beginner and accomplished alike.

The candle on the right and the individual candle photos is one of Vicky's this year's "Bayberry New Year, Ritual" Candles which we positioned this Buddha seeking a reaction.  Our observation and consensus is the ritual candle seems to thrive in this environment as compared to the candle on the left.  It cast a warm steady, peaceful glow as shown in the photo above.  We believe the energy from this Buddha can be attributed to that.  Superstitious lot that we are.

Unlike some of the other items from this estate which we have paired with Vicky's Candles here the flame became quite active, quickly flickering and producing a noticeable flame reflection(?) above and around the subject in the photo session which the photographer was able to record and was made part of that listing.

When we shared this with Vicky she responded, "Oh wow, it’s definitely responding to your ring."

Her write up on her Bayberry New Years Candle reads;


Happy Saturday! Looking for a lucky and prosperous start to the New Year? The burning of Bayberry candles on New Years Eve or New Years Day is a tradition that dates back to American Colonial times. It is said to invoke blessings of abundance, joy, luck and prosperity for yourself and the family/household throughout the new year. To gift or share a Bayberry candle, is to extend those sentiments towards your colleagues, friends and loved ones.

Pan’s Apothika Bayberry candles are lovingly hand poured in small batches and with intention by me, utilizing naturally colored and scented Bayberry and soy waxes, a natural waxed cotton wick and finished off with a 24k gold leaf and a light dusting of gold and green , gold and silver glitters. Bottled in a cute and reusable/recyclable mason measuring jar.

It is not known who actually came up with the traditional Bayberry candle poem, but the old saying goes ...”“For a bayberry candle burned to the socket, brings joy to the heart and gold to the pocket.”

Bayberry candles are traditionally lit and allowed to burn continuously until the candle has expired. Although I don’t recommend leaving a candle to burn unattended, if you chose to do so, please exercise extreme caution and burn in a very safe place, free of any immediate flammable surroundings, drafts, and out of reach of small children and animals. For those who wish to extinguish and relight their candles, the intent will holdfast during relighting sessions. I oftentimes light my bayberry Jan 1st or 2nd and burn throughout January. Some customers will burn a new bayberry candle every month. There’s no real rule concerning this. I recommend that you extinguish and trim the wick every 4 hours. The wick tends to mushroom which causes a large flame that can exhaust the candle faster than intended.

To fill demand, I’ve poured 200 candles (in production) but 24 have been made available today in @pans.apothika.annexe and more will be released Sunday and throughout the remainder of Dec, through January or while supplies last.


hese sold for $20.  We have a limited supply of these and will include a new one with this mala necklace for your own ritual use.

And that our friends concludes
 the listing for this antique Buddhist artifact with an extraordinary provenance that is much nicer than the photographs are able to depict.


We have been contacted and visited by a number of people who were interested in the items from this estate since our first batch was listed.  Among the buyers have been known psychics and practitioners.  More than one, after adorning themselves or handling their purchase, stated, "this is a woman of power!"  Many of our customers, after receiving items from this estate have reported dream contacts and other unexplained phenomenon.

Unusual, authentic Voodoo Priestess Estate piece and at a bargain price!

This is truly a rare opportunity to own anything with attributes to this estate.  The majority of this estate is now gone.  Most of what we had left, and it was considerable, has been split up and sold to a couple of private, foreign collector practitioners and will never be available to the public again.  We made the decision to do this as we have had some pretty strange visits from even stranger individuals and there have been enough unexplained phenomenon going on in the warehouse where her things were kept that many of our employees refused to go in there.

The pieces offered and sold here are some of the few remaining pieces that will ever be offered to the public.

Nice addition to any collection, altar, wardrobe or decor, displays really well.

Really doesn't get any better than this.

There are 19 photographs and a short video below to tell the rest of this tale.

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International Buyer's, please email us for a shipping quote.

Payment is due at listing end.

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©Text and Photos Copyright 2001-2024 bushidobuce, all rights reserved.



You are buying the amulet mala necklace and free ritual candle only.  The Props Are Not Part of the deal, bur you knew that already.






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