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- SALE - Boudoir Found Ma Saep Nang Phra Sant Yant Sex Magic Dream Ritual Cloth - The Voodoo Estate - SALE -

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~ Voodoo Priestess Estate ~ ©


Ma Saep Nang, Phra Sant Yant, Sex Magic Dream Ritual Cloth

 A Love Spelled Boudoir Find 


It has now been just over twenty-three years ago since we were called to do the estate that had been closed up for seventeen years!

The Voodoo Estate!

This type of call usually gets us excited as they are a treasure trove. Located here in Florida, there was no electricity or running water so we rigged our own lighting and in we went. If you have ever seen the Adams Family you will have some idea as to what we were greeted with! Then the attorney handling the liquidation gave us some background. The estate had belonged to an alleged powerful Voodoo Priestess/JooJoo Exorcist, grand daughter of a Marie Laveau and favored daughter of a Marie Glapion.


These names meant nothing to us, but the late night talk of Voodoo and exorcism in the old mansion was enough to make us decide to spend the night in a hotel and return in the morning to assess the estate. The rest is history. 

Our research has shown that this woman was what she claimed and that she was indeed descended from a long line of well known Vodoun family originating in New Orleans in the early 1800's.
We were pretty unnerved by this until we discovered they were also devout Catholics! Although I have to admit this was unlike any Catholic home I have ever been in and some of the items found inside were a little more than unnerving.
There was no feeling of dread or unwelcome in the home, however there was quite a bit of contraband and other items we can or will not sell here.
This is one of a few pieces from this estate we will be listing this week, so check our other posting's!
We will, upon the new guardian's request, issue a named Letter of Authenticity with each piece from this estate, complying with the terms set forth to us by the estate's attorney.

Some Back Story

 Three cellophane sealed stacks of these cloths were found behind the fresh linens in a closet of her Main Guest Boudoir. This suite was one location where she would entertain intimate overnight guests, and quite a few ritual sex and fertility ritual artifacts were recovered here.
Her journals and inventory tell us this is a, "Ma Saep Nang Phra Sant Yant Sex Dream Ritual Cloth", one of a group consisting of four types of these cloths created by different monks, given to her by Uncle Khoo. The first of these cloths were received in a 1946, and these were printed on cotton. These three bundles of 144 cloths each were received in 1959 and are printed on cellulose cloth.
Uncle Khoo
Her journals tell us of her being introduced to the attending monks of a close friend's funeral in Thailand in 1941 (the Khattiya Monk). Their apparent senior member introducing himself as, "Uncle Khoo". Through her interpreter he was introduced to her as, ‘Tok Raja’, who told her the Khattiya Monk's name was Balin Dith (her above mentioned friend), a Khmer who had saved his life in the jungle many years ago and had kept his promise of visiting him (Tok Raja) in Malaysia which he had done for the last time, days before his death. She too was asked to promise to visit him in Malaysia. A promise her journals tell us she did fulfill three times prior to her own death.
Her journals do not add any information concerning this famous Thai Chief Abbot of the Kelantan state of Malaysia that is not already readily available to the casual researcher, so there is no need for us to further burden this text with what you should research on your own.
Her journals tell us it was five years later that she returned to Malaysia to visit her Uncle Khoo. She brought back four ritual vests and forty of these yant cloths which were personally blessed and given to her by Uncle Khoo as a parting gift, being one of four types of these cloths given to her.
The Ma Saep Nang Phra Sant Yant Sex Dream Ritual Cloths 
These are vintage copies of the original antique versions of these sex ritual cloths. The originals were made by unknown monk(s) or sorcerer(s), perhaps in collaboration with others. This design is first recorded sometime in the early 1940's but is known to be considerably older. This is an old depiction that is often copied and sold today, but none of the vendor's who had them were able to provide correct information as to the maker monk or their associated temple to this day.
Our research leads us to believe the design is of Burmese, or Malaysian origin by a Thai or Cambodian refugee monk or Ajarn.
This is a sacred Pha Yant Mah Saep Nang cloth and is considered one of the most powerful love amulets ever created. It is a sacred-charm cloth amulet with many alleged attributes but foremost for its ability to increase sex appeal and convert enemies into friends. Its main theme of a stallion having sexual intercourse with a young maiden is supposed to be obviously synonymous with the power of sex appeal. It is a very powerful and highly potent symbol of sexual prowess and masculinity in Thailand. The cloth is also covered with sacred spells to increase the power of the cloth amulet.
This design was created in strict accordance with ancient sciences. They are made from the same material used as shrouds to cover the deceased prior to cremation. According to the Thai belief, the spirit of those that die may possibly depart the cadaver and possess those that attempt to remove the cloth. The attending monk(s) employ powerful spells to ensure the departed soul becomes a positive force for the good of helping worshippers of the sacred cloth yants and not harming them!
This has always been an obscure and arcane practice, and today, very few monks create this type of charm amulet because the knowledge of how to do so is quickly dying as each generation passes. The cloths are believed by many to possess miraculous power and are attributed as the most powerful of all love charms.
Her journals tell us she would use these, “over the pillows and under the pillowcases and, or place them under the sheets, mattress or bed for multiple blessings for relationships such as, sex magic, love, sex appeal, fertility, charm, success and good fortune. There are numerous Akara (spells) surrounding the core theme of one of the most potent symbols of sexual prowess and masculinity, Maa Saep Nang, the young female being fucked silly by horse cock.” (although this imagery is powerful it is not meant to be taken literally)
The exact history of the Ma Saep Nang Maha Sanae Wicha (Charm Magic) is not known but many scholars have evidence to suggest that it first originated in Burma and initially established itself in the Lanna kingdom of present day Thailand. Little is ever mentioned about Burmese magic but it is thought to be equally as powerful as the much publicized  Khmer magic. It is known that Burmese kings imported large numbers of Sanskrit texts from India on topics such as medicine, alchemy, incantation, sex and astrology. In Burma, these Buddhist wizards are practitioners of what is called the weikza-lam (path of occult knowledge).
This tradition still exists today in Burma (present day Myanmar), and the largest of the groups practicing this occult path is based in the city of Pegy, and is called the Manosetopad Gaing. Like their Thai counterparts, this organization bases an interest in the occult on the powers attained by the Buddha on the path to enlightenment. They also believe that the relics of the Buddha (Burmese dat-daw) (Pāli dhātu) are possessed of a kind of majestic power that he infused in them through the force of his samādhi. It is clear from reading many of the ancient texts that the Burmese magic is based on a much older tradition of Spirit religions and animistic world views
In fact Ma Saep Nang is only one of a series of four related (Sut Yot Sanae) images that comprise the original Maha Sanae wicha, the others being, Nang Song Wua Saep, (two bulls and female),  Sam Noo Gin Nam Nom Meaw (three rats/mice drinking cats milk) this Maha Sanae Wicha was made famous by Ajahn Chum Chaikiri, and finally See Wua Gin Nam Nom Seua (four cows drinking tigers milk).
According to the popular legend of this magic a family that had a very beautiful daughter who was made responsible for tending to a prime specimen male horse on a daily basis. She eventually becomes very attached to the horse and actually falls in love and has a sexual encounter with her charge. Her father learns of this and is so ashamed that he kills the horse. The end result is a dead heart for the young girl. Essentially the Maa Saep Nang magic and yants are associated with strong and powerful lust and attraction.
One of her journal entries gives us this sacred spell or Khata to chant over these cloths;
Ohm Nang Kuwk Nang Gwang Kwang
Gwang Ao Sao Mar Ner Nang Ner
Mar Raew Mar Ruk Gun Roi Mern Ter
San Wun Gor Hai Mar Har Koo Ner Nang
Hark Yoo Fark Far Gor Hai Mar Har Koo Ner Nang Ner Nang
Hark Yoo Lai Mair Num Kun San Wung Gor Hai Lan Mar Har Koo Ner Nang Ner Nang
And she goes on to tell us, “if you decide to walk this path you must fill you mind with nothing other then thoughts of the Three Jewels. This will generate loving kindness toward the various grades of nats (here she refers to powerful nature spirits dwelling in trees, the earth, and mountains, the minor deities who preside over the use of magical incantations and diagrams, and medicine spirits whose domain includes the well-known herbs and minerals of alchemical lore). 
Some other entries warn of, "the uninitiated using the cloth during seduction or sexual intercourse. This has led to painful, long lasting erections in the male and nymphomania in the female."
Yant Magic
Our own research has shown all Yant, fall into the amulet category known as Kruang Reang i.e. Objects of Magic. These are sacred images of high age from past guru masters that are highly collectible and can command a high price on today’s market. The symbolism they display are usually seen as tattoos known as Sak Yant, of the Khmer Sorcerer Monks, Muay Tai fighters, mixed martial artists and some celebrities today. When this intricate script is written on cloth it is known as 'Phra Yant'. It is also etched on the soft metals used in Takrut's and on many Thai amulets.
The word Yant itself comes from the old the Sanskrit meaning, 'a sacred geometrical design', and is usually accompanied with a written Khom script or set of characters which are linked to the prayer or katha. The script is a combination of Khom, Thai and the Sanskrit language, which is a style of early Khmer wicha magic that has been adopted by Buddhist monks and Ajarns (civilian Brahmins) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Malaysia.
In its form as a tattoo, (Sak Yant) it is much more than a fashion statement. It is intrinsically linked to Buddha, Buddhist precepts and the guru master who created it. The worshipper must truly believe and follow any instructions, as it is said the embedded wicha power may vanish if the are not followed.
Each design is unique in meaning and purpose as crafted by its maker, but follows a common theme such as bringing good luck and fortune, protection from harm and accidents, warding off evil spirits, love and attraction, power and success, great fighter, great lover, great talker etc.
In any of its forms, the sorcerer monk will chant his own form of incantation spell and ancient katha chant, at some point during the end of the process of making the yant, which concludes with Pao Katha, a blowing of the masters breath across the article to bind and activate the magical formula.
  Her journals tell us one of Uncle Khoo's Phra Pidta amulets were given to one of her associates (1898 LiDiex) prior to his U.S Army deployment to the Pacific during World War II. In one of his journal entries he tells of being shot in the face and stomach at point blank range by a pair of Japanese soldiers, the bullets falling to the ground after bouncing off of him. He attributes his amulet Phra Pidta with saving his life. The Japanese soldiers did not fare as well. He was not wearing any of his many amulets the day he was killed.
Similar stories abound in Thai and Malaysian police files and military veteran testimony. Although early police files indicate the criminal, wearing or carrying a Phra Yant was attributed with invulnerability, speed, and/or invisibility, it did not take the police officers long to catch on. More often than not, they carry them today!
All of this is a fascinating study of the cultural magic practiced in Thailand that we wholeheartedly recommend you research further.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, for the most part...
Cellulose is an organic compound consisting of a linear chain of several hundred to many thousands of β(1→4) linked D-glucose units. It is an important structural component of the primary cell wall of green plants, many forms of algae and the oomycetes. Some species of bacteria secrete it to form biofilms. Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer on Earth. The cellulose content of cotton fiber is 90%, that of wood is 40–50%, and that of dried hemp is approximately 57%.
It is mainly used to produce paperboard and paper. Smaller quantities are converted into a wide variety of derivative products such as cellophane and rayon. Conversion of cellulose from energy crops into biofuels such as cellulosic ethanol is under development as a renewable fuel source. Cellulose for industrial use is mainly obtained from wood pulp and cotton. Some animals, particularly ruminants and termites, can digest cellulose with the help of symbiotic micro-organisms that live in their guts, such as Trichonympha. In human nutrition, cellulose is a non-digestible constituent of insoluble dietary fiber, acting as a hydrophilic bulking agent for feces and potentially aiding in defecation. It has no taste, is odorless, is hydrophilic with the contact angle of 20–30 degrees, is insoluble in water and most organic solvents, is chiral and is biodegradable. It was shown to melt at 467 °C in 2016. It can be broken down chemically into its glucose units by treating it with concentrated mineral acids at high temperature.
But Back to the Cloth
It does not appear to have ever been used, but rather packaged, never opened and stored for all of these years. Talk about new old stock! They were well preserved among the clean linens. Each is in excellent overall condition with no damage, stains, repairs, etc.
The cloth measures approximately 12 3/4" x 8 7/8".
 It is certainly a nicely aged vintage Thai Buddhist artifact with an extraordinary provenance that is much nicer than the photographs are able to depict.



We have been contacted and visited by a number of people who were interested in the items from this estate since our first batch was listed. Among the buyers have been known psychics and practitioners. More than one, after adorning themselves or handling their purchase, stated "this is a woman of power!" Many of our customers, after receiving items from this estate have reported dream contacts and other unexplained phenomenon.
Unusual, authentic Voodoo Priestess Estate piece and at a bargain price!
This is truly a rare opportunity to own anything with attributes to this estate.
The majority of this estate is now gone. Most of what we had left, and it was considerable, has been split up and sold to a couple of private, foreign collector practitioners and will never be available to the public again. We made the decision to do this as we have had some pretty strange visits from even stranger individuals and there have been enough unexplained phenomenon going on in the warehouse where her things were kept that many of our employees refused to go in there.
The pieces offered and sold here are some of the few remaining pieces that will ever be offered to the public.
Nice addition to any collection, altar, wardrobe or decor, displays really well.
Really doesn't get any better than this.
There are 9 photographs, so please give them time to load, and enjoy the listing.
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Rest assured your order will be carefully packed to withstand the onslaught of the most deranged of Postal Workers.
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Payment is due at listing end.

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